Covid-19 can cause hyperglycemia and exacerbate the disease, a new study says
According to a new study, Covid-19 infection causes hyperglycemia or hyperglycemia by destroying major fat cells, putting a high risk of serious illness and death in many patients.
Hyperglycemia, a central feature of diabetes, is associated with weakened immunity to inflammation and infections and was recognized as an important risk factor for severe Covid-19 in the early stages of the pandemic.
However, doctors later began to find evidence that Covid-19 was associated with hyperglycemia in patients with no history of diabetes.
In a study reported in the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers found that deadly infections induce hyperglycemia by destroying fat cells. Adiponectin is a hormone produced by fat cells that usually prevents diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity.
“We usually don’t think fat cells are very active, but in reality they synthesize many protective proteins for your body-and many SARS-CoV-2. May revoke that protection in patients with the disease, “said associate James Rowe, a medical professor and cardiologist at the New York Elderly Church / Weil Cornell Medical Center.
For this study, the team analyzed records of 3,854 patients admitted to Covid-19 during the first months of a pandemic in the United States.
They found that a very high percentage (49.7%) of these patients showed hyperglycemia or developed hyperglycemia during hospitalization.
Patients with hyperglycemia are 9 times more likely to develop severe pulmonary dysfunction (acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS) and are more likely to be ventilated than patients with normal blood glucose levels. Was 15 times more likely to die and 3 times more likely to die. ..
Further testing also revealed that blood adiponectin levels in Covid-19ARDS patients were significantly reduced.
Hyperglycemia also occurs in patients with severe influenza or bacterial pneumonia due to the death or dysfunction of beta cells that produce insulin, the main hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.
“In contrast, hyperglycemia in Covid-19 patients is primarily caused by insulin resistance, and insulin is present, but normally acting tissues are no longer sensitive to insulin,” said a postdoctoral fellow at the center. Author Moritz Reiterer states.
“For example, obese patients may already have some degree of insulin resistance and adipocyte dysfunction and may be more vulnerable to Covid-19 because they are susceptible to adipocyte infection. “Lo added.
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(Only the headlines and photos in this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff. The rest of the content is automatically generated from the syndicate feed.)
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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