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Government data is being abused to question the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine


All vaccines, including the vaccine against COVID-19, have undergone rigorous clinical trials, involving tens of thousands of people in some cases. However, these trials may not involve a sufficient number of people with specific risk factors. In other words, certain problems may go unnoticed by researchers in the early stages. In addition, any vaccine can cause rare side effects that appear later.

Launched in 1990, VAERS is used by the CDC and FDA to detect “patterns or abnormal and unexpected changes” that may indicate safety issues after the vaccine is on the market. 2015 academic paper Published in the journal Vaccine by researchers from both institutions.

“VAERS are well-studied in clinical trials, events that were not routinely collected by active monitoring of clinical trials, events that are rarer than those observed in the trial due to limited sample size, or It’s important because you can capture events that occur in groups that don’t, “Steven said. J. Jacobsen, MD, Interim Executive Director of the Marshfield Clinic Institute, a Wisconsin-based medical institute, and former President of the American University of Epidemiology.

For example, government researchers have investigated reports of myocarditis or myocardial inflammation. VAERS, And warned the public when they thought the risk was plausible. The CDC states that it continues to monitor development.

VAERS reports only that some minor or major adverse event occurred after someone was vaccinated. Additional work and information is required to determine if the vaccine is the cause.

CDC and FDA doctors, epidemiologists, and statisticians evaluate the number of reports received, the types of events reported, and the number of doses distributed. Then compare the rate of reported adverse events with VAERS to the rate of the same adverse events as other vaccines.

Therefore, reporting alone generally does not link vaccines to adverse events, but it can play an important role.

“VAERS can often provide the earliest information on potential vaccine safety issues,” said the 2015 vaccine. A paper by CDC and FDA researchers states.

When potential safety issues are detected, CDC and FDA researchers receive more specific data from nine major medical institutions to help measure “contribution risk” with CDC vaccine safety data. You can investigate further using other systems such as links. Emory’s Orenstein.





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