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Study: Pfizer vaccine prevents hospitalization for 6 months


The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective in preventing hospitalization for up to 6 months, with no signs of diminishing during that period. According to a large new US study Conducted by researchers at Pfizer and Kaiser Permanente.

Scientists have discovered that the vaccine also provides strong protection against highly contagious delta mutants. In a subset of people who sequenced virus samples, the vaccine was 93% effective for hospitalizations from Delta, but 95% effective for hospitalizations from other variants.

“Even when Delta dominates, hospitalization protection remains high for a long time,” said Saratartov, an epidemiologist and first author of the study at Kaiser Permanente in Southern California.

The effectiveness of the vaccine against infection declined over time, from 88% in the first month after vaccination to 47% five months later.

The findings, presented at The Lancet on Monday, are in the midst of a debate about when and when booster shots are needed.Food and Drug Administration Approved booster For recipients of Pfizer vaccines over the age of 65 or at high risk of infection or serious illness. And the Biden administration promoted making boosters more widely available to the general public.

However, many scientists and public health experts say that the national priority is to inject people who have not yet been vaccinated, and vaccines still have the worst consequences, including serious illness and death. He objected, claiming that it would provide excellent protection.

data From Israel The efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine against infection decreased from late June to early July to 39% and from January to early April to 95%. However, during that period, it was more than 90% effective against serious illnesses.

on the other hand, Recent research Vaccine efficacy for hospitalization, according to reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dropped to 77 percent After 4 months, compared to 91% in the first few months.

In a new study, researchers analyzed electronic health records from more than 3.4 million members of Kaiser Permanente in Southern California between December 14, 2020 and August 8, 2021.

Overall, the vaccine was 90% effective against hospitalization and 73% effective against infection. Among people over the age of 65, there was an 86% effect on hospitalization and a 61% effect on infection.

Researchers have sequenced over 5,000 samples of the virus. Overall, the delta variant accounted for 28% of these samples, but was the major variant in June and July.

The vaccine was slightly less effective against Delta than the other variants and provided 75% protection against Delta infection compared to 91% protection against other variants.

However, researchers found that protection against infection declined at a similar rate over time. After 4 months, efficacy against infection decreased to 53% for Delta and 67% for other variants.

The findings could fuel both sides of the booster controversy, Dr. Tartov said.

“The question is what you want the booster program to do,” she said. Some might say that they support boosters because this data shows an increase in breakthrough infections over time. However, others may point out the steady protection of the vaccine against severe illness and argue that booster immunization is not needed.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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