COVID-19: Is the Thanksgiving gathering on hold?Why some Alberta experts say it should be
Due to the high number of cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, some rethink the Thanksgiving arrangement, but as was the case throughout the pandemic, everyone planned to comply with state rally rules. Not that.
Others are coming and going to thank you for this holiday.
“I only hear about ventilators”: ICU 24-year-old Alberta woman after postponing the COVID-19 vaccine
Devour catering You will soon be busy preparing the donated meals for the staff in the intensive care unit at Calgary Hospital. According to the hospital, there are currently 1,079 COVID-19s, of whom 257 are in the ICU. Alberta health data.
“I really wanted to know how to express hospital support because I could feel the stress, tension and crisis of the hospital,” said J’Val Shuster of Devour Catering.
“I created the product, I See You ICU Care Package, and purchased 500 meals within 24 hours. Then, when I hit social media, it exploded.”
Night at ICU: Alberta Healthcare Professionals Share the Reality of COVID-19 Patient Care
Shuster is pleased that when COVID-19 is dragged in and the ICU is full, people want to do something for their exhausted frontline healthcare professionals.
“They want to express their gratitude and their love and gratitude. Many people have nothing we can do to show how much they support the people who work in the hospital. I feel, “she said.
According to Schuster, we need to stand up for healthcare professionals.
“We shouldn’t be in this situation where we need to feed an exhausted and overworked ICU team, but many feel very trapped in what to do. I think, “she said.
“They know they need to do something, especially People protesting in the hospital And much of the verbal abuse that people are suffering from. “
As of Monday afternoon, there were 3,000 orders. In addition to assisting ICU staff, this initiative also helped DevourCatering’s business.
“We had many broken hearts who had to make long-planned and long-awaited cancellations for life celebrations, milestone birthdays, and some weddings. By this time of the year, I was hoping that we would be able to host these celebrations, “said Schuster.
“Yes, there were a lot of cancellations, but this was really heartbreaking, so I went back to working online.”
“We weren’t thinking about others”: A man in Alberta who wasn’t vaccinated while in the ICU at COVID-19
From 16th September, indoor rallies can only be attended by up to 10 fully vaccinated people from 2 households. According to the Alberta government. There are no restrictions for children under the age of 12.
Unvaccinated people targeted for the shot cannot gather indoors.
Play your role
No one plans to cancel the Thanksgiving feast.
In a tweet from Global Calgary on Monday, there were various answers such as “as if asking a personal question” and “doing what you want to do” about the vaccination status of guests.
Others “invited only those who were vaccinated.”
In reality, infectious disease experts say that a large supper should never happen again this year.
“If an individual’s risk may be low, it should be remembered that it may not be the case with social groups or others in contact at work. An infectious disease researcher at the University of Calgary. Dr. Craig Jenne said:
“Vaccines are out there, but not enough people are vaccinated. ICU units are flooding and tragically, many lives have been lost in the state in the last two weeks. . “
Jenne explained that it’s safer to get the vaccine, but keep in mind. The vaccine is not 100%.
“Vaccines are good at preventing serious illnesses, but we’ve always known that they can get infected, have an underlying illness, and are at increased risk if there is a lot of virus in the community.” He said.
“Because of the current epidemic of the virus, people with underlying illness, even if vaccinated, should be careful when moving to these indoor social gatherings.”
Military aid for Alberta to arrive on Monday.Doctors say the state “firebreak” is a more influential step
Dr. Lynora Saxinger, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alberta, said:
– Use files from Global News Thomasia Da Silva
© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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