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COVID-19: NS employees in all states must be vaccinated by November 30-Halifax

COVID-19: NS employees in all states must be vaccinated by November 30-Halifax


All 11,000 employees of the Nova Scotia Government COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) The state announced Wednesday that it would be vaccinated by November 30.

This happens after compulsory immunization has already been announced in other areas such as health care, education, child care and correction.

“I know that not everyone supports these public security measures we have taken, but this does not mean that each of us is an individual,” said Wednesday’s COVID-. At the 19th briefing, Prime Minister Tim Houston said.

“We have to think about what we need to do to keep our community, our friends, our neighbors, and our entire state safe. That’s Nova Scotia’s way. So if you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get one. “

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Nova Scotia’s vaccination policy has been activated.This is what you need to know

Employees who have not been fully vaccinated by the end of November will face employment implications, including unpaid leave, unless they have an employer-approved exemption.

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Houston also said that all MLAs must be vaccinated to enter the State Capitol.

Nova Scotia vaccination policy Effective this weekThis means that people over the age of 12 must show proof of vaccination in order to participate in non-essential events and activities where people get together, such as restaurants, movies, sporting events, theater performances and social events. Gym.

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Houston begged people not to do so Harassing publicly-faced staff You are responsible for implementing this policy.

“We all know how ridiculous this kind of behavior is,” he said.

“If you don’t want to wear a mask, or if you don’t want to be vaccinated, that’s your choice. But your choice has an impact and no one has an excuse to pick it up, especially your own. That’s true for those who are just trying to get the job done. “

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He said that those who are dissatisfied with the policy should take it up to him, not the employee. “Turn the bird over to me while I’m walking down the street or yelling at me,” he said.

Celebrate Thanksgiving safely

At a press conference, Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer, said the state was heading for a long Thanksgiving weekend.

“And it’s time to thank,” he said. “In many parts of our country, families cannot be together because of COVID.”

One of those locations is the adjacent New Brunswick, which limits Thanksgiving rallies to single-family contacts throughout the state amid a surge in cases.

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COVID-19: NB calls “Circuit Breaker” to hotspot, issues Thanksgiving collection limit

New Brunswick also imposes “circuit breaker” measures for the next two weeks between hotspots in Zone 1 (Moncton region) north of Zone 3 (Fredericton region) upstream of the St. John River in Santheande Kent. doing. Florenceville-Northern River Valley, including Bristol, and all of Zone 4 (Edmanston region).

Non-mandatory trips to and from these areas are not permitted and residents must limit contact within the household bubble.

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In Nova Scotia, Strang said people could meet with friends and family this weekend.

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He said people should avoid traveling to areas affected by New Brunswick. He also said that he had to be aware of the restrictions on indoor gatherings of 25 people and that he had to stay home if he felt sick. Strand also said that unvaccinated people should not travel.

He enjoyed the holidays of Nova Scotia and encouraged them to be “kind and compassionate” to those who crossed the road.

“Family and connections are more important than ever,” he said. “During the pandemic, we spent too much time away.”

School remains open

Some parents Raise concerns About COVID-19 exposure at school for the past few weeks.Currently Over 60 school-related exposures 32 schools throughout the state and with cases.

In a briefing, Strand said the state “not at a point” in need to close schools.

He said COVID-19 is a “mild illness” for most children, even a variant of Delta, and that vaccination rates for children over 12 years are “very high.”

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“Like all of our COVID responses, our approach to school cases is about balance. The rare risk of serious illness in children and the overall impact of not attending school. You need to balance it with your happiness, “he said.

“Our goal is for students to continue learning in the classroom as much as possible. It is important for their learning and their emotional, social and psychological well-being.”

He said that of the 32 schools with cases, eight included spread to another person in the school, and most of the cases came from a wider community.

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He said no school had spread in large numbers in the classroom or beyond the classroom.

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Strang said the “layer” of protection was in place. This includes masking, keeping a distance, and staying home when someone feels sick. He urged parents not to send their children to school unless they were identified as close contacts.

“If there are more than one case that is likely to be caused by an infection in the school, we will apply enhanced public health measures to that school,” he said.

Houston added that he knew people were worried about the school and said they would do so if public health decided that the school needed to be closed.

1 death, 25 new cases

The state announced on Wednesday 25 new cases and one death from COVID-19.

The woman who died was a woman in her 70s in the Central Zone. She was the 98th person in the state to die of the disease and the fourth person since August 1.

Of the 25 new cases, 20 are in the central zone, and the state continues to say that there is community expansion primarily among unvaccinated and socially active people aged 20-40.

Two are in the northern zone, two are in the western zone, and one is in the eastern zone.

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Fifteen people, including five in the ICU, are hospitalized with COVID-19.

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Since Tuesday, there have been 18 new recovery and 254 active cases.

Nova Scotia Health completed 4,645 COVID-19 tests on Tuesday.

In one release, the state said four schools were notified of COVID-19 exposure on Tuesday.

“It is important to note that school-related exposures do not mean that they are widespread in the school or that the first case was first exposed to the virus at school,” he said. Stated.

“As always, if there are positive cases (students, teachers, or staff) at school during the infection, all staff, parents, and parents will be notified of the exposure.”

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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