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SA Health provides up-to-date information on new COVID cases and adelaide exposure sites, including Drake’s supermarket


South Australia is once again at stake after another local COVID case was recorded by a cross-border truck driver from New South Wales on Thursday night.

The driver was tested in Yamba when he drove to the state around 9 pm and was returned a positive test on Friday.

Watch some of the updates in the video above

He lived in a share house and was transferred to the Medi Hotel while his roommates were also being tested.

Nicola Sparia, Chief Public Health Officer, said the driver was in the “early stage” of the infection and was partially vaccinated.

SA Health has a number of “casual contact” exposure sites, including gas stations and supermarkets visited by men.

Anyone at the next “Tier 3” site will need to undergo a COVID test and quarantine until a negative result is obtained. You will need to take the test again on the 5th and 13th days from the last day.

  • Caltex Yamba Thursday, October 7th, 9 pm to 9:45 pm
  • BP Blanchetown Roadhouse and toilets from 11:15 pm to midnight on Thursday, October 7th
  • Salisbury North Star Laundromat Friday, October 8th, 8:45 am to 9:45 am
  • Salisbury North Drake’s Supermarket Friday, October 8th, 9 am-9:45am

There are also convenience stores listed as “Tier 4” sites.

Anyone who was in OTR Elizabeth Symptoms should be monitored on Friday, October 8th, between 2:30 am and 3:00 am, or between 9:45 am and 10:30 am.

Drake's supermarket in Salisbury North.
Drake’s supermarket in Salisbury North. credit: supply

Mr. Sparrier said the movement of cargo inside and outside the state remains an important service.

“The freight industry has worked very closely with us to reduce public exposure,” she said.

“But the people who live in our state need to be able to carry out their lives.”

The restrictions have been lifted

The stricter COVID restrictions at SA had just been lifted early on Friday.

The state transition committee has agreed to remove the measures imposed earlier this week. This has also reduced the size of travel bubbles in cross-border communities.

After being reduced to 30 kilometers on both sides of the border, it is now back to its previous level of 70 kilometers.

However, police commissioner Grant Stevens said the new arrangement would exclude the town of Portland, Victoria, where wastewater inspections showed evidence of COVID-19.

SA Chief Health Officer Nicholas Parrier.
SA Chief Health Officer Nicholas Parrier. credit: NAOMI JELLICOE/AAPIMAGE

After spending time in Victoria, when local women were tested positive for the virus this week, stricter measures were imposed on Mount Gambier and the surrounding area.

She was transferred to Adelaide with her four children.

All intimate and casual contact with quarantined women was also negative, Stevens said.

“These are all very positive signs. There is no evidence of COVID-19 in the wastewater inspection of the area concerned,” he told reporters on Friday.

-Use AAP





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