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Why African Malaria Vaccines Rekindle the Fight Against Disease

Why African Malaria Vaccines Rekindle the Fight Against Disease


After the opening ceremony of the WHO Academy in Lyon, France, on September 27, 2021, WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adanom Gebreyes will speak at a press conference.

Dennis Bali Bose | Reuters

Policy makers and health professionals WHO approval The first malaria vaccine that could be deployed in sub-Saharan Africa by the end of 2022

WHO approved widespread use GSKFollowing pilot programs in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi, the RTS, S malaria vaccine has tracked 800,000 children since 2019.

The vaccine, which began development in 1987, said Thomas Broyer, GSK’s Chief Global Health Officer, “can revitalize the fight against malaria in the region during periods of stagnant progress in combating malaria. “.

Meanwhile, WHO Executive Secretary Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes called the approval a “historical moment” and said it would “change the course of public health history.”

British Health Minister Sajid Javid called the approval “a good result for continental public health and British science.”

The vaccine was approved for the first time, but it is still only 30% effective, requires four doses, and disappears within a few months.

But scientists hope that approval will be a watershed in efforts to tackle the burden of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. The region accounts for the majority of the world’s 400,000 malaria deaths each year.

Colin Sutherland, a professor of parasitology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told CNBC on Thursday that children in low-income families in high-incidence areas usually have a rainy season or a year. He said he would experience several malaria attacks through.

“Therefore, the impact on public health is not only severe illness and a relatively small proportion of deaths, but also chronic or recurrent infections that lead to anemia, malaise, low school enrollment, reduced learning opportunities and cognitive impairment.” Said Sutherland.

“In that context, a vaccine that provides protection at 30% for 3-6 months can provide some highly welcomed public health benefits.”

On September 13, 2019, during the launch of a malaria vaccine in Kenya, healthcare professionals vaccinated children against malaria in Ndiwa, Homabay County, western Kenya.

Brian Ongoro | AFP | Getty Images

Sutherland suggested that this breakthrough could contribute to the faster development of the fight against malaria, provided that resources continue to be invested in management, prevention and management in parallel with vaccine development.

New data show that combining RTS, S with seasonal antimalarials reduces clinical episodes, hospitalizations, and mortality by about 70%.

Sutherland also describes the long-term prospects for introducing the same RNA-based technology as malaria vaccines. PfizerBioNTech When modern The Covid-19 vaccine is “excellent” and has paved the way for “very exciting pathways” in vaccine research.

“Pharmaceutical companies need strong partnerships and incentives to work on the development of tropical disease drugs and vaccines. In fact, the success of malaria vaccines (and in fact the success of Covid vaccines) is not just for private companies. , Cooperation and academia, pharmaceutical companies, international philanthropic organizations, and innovative financing mechanisms, including significant amounts of direct government funding (from the UK, EU, US and other countries), “he emphasized.

“Therefore, it is imperative to maintain government funding, especially in low-margin global health.”





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