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The impact of COVID on breast screening is beginning to diminish | News


GOSHEN — The COVID-19 pandemic is for women to screen for potential breast cancer while most of the country is completely closed or restricted in operation and people are wary of going public. Affecting getting a mammogram.

Alyssa Yoderner Practitioner of Gosen Health’s Retreat Women’s Health Center said the center was closed from mid-March to early May 2020.

“At that time, imaging was only done for patients with breast problems,” she said. “At that time, previous breast cancer patients were not screened or diagnosed.”

“It affected a lot of people because they didn’t come. For those who wait or postpone the mammogram for a year, the results and severity of the diagnosis,” said Yoder, even after resuming some patients completely. , And may affect the recommended treatment. “

According to Yoda, early detection of breast cancer is better. She said early detection would help determine treatment strategies.

Guidelines and survival rate

According to Yoda, general guidelines recommend that women’s breast screening begin at age 40.

“If they are at very high risk, or if they have a family history or genetic mutation, they can be screened up to 20 years before the diagnosis of the youngest family,” she explains. bottom. “That is, if the mother gets it at the age of 40, the daughter can be screened at the age of 30.”

Still, according to Yoder, screening women before the age of 30 is not recommended. When asked if there was an age at which women would no longer need to obtain mammograms, Yoda said, “There is no specific age to interrupt screening.”

She said one possibility might be if she had a life expectancy of less than 10 years.

“I have patients in their 70s and 80s ask me, and I tell them it’s up to them,” she said. “Some women want to go to their final year, and that’s okay — no cutoffs.

“Age itself is a risk factor for breast cancer and increases over time, but if diagnosed, does she need to consider whether she wants to pursue treatment? It’s up to the patient and the care provider.”

Studies show that women who are screened for mammography have 30-40% fewer deaths from breast cancer than women who are not screened, according to Yoder.

Increased screening

When asked if the woman was still hesitant to come to the mammogram, she replied “somewhat”.

Yoda said there were two patients who hadn’t been seen yet, but in most cases women were “approaching the idea that the risk of breast cancer is as high as the risk of getting COVID.”

She said the center staff took all appropriate precautions at the retreat to protect the patient.

“Women with breast cancer know the seriousness and tend to come in already, they have experienced it,” she said.

“COVID has a lot to do with it,” said Yoda, but women “recognize the importance of taking care of themselves and receiving recommended screening and appropriate treatment.” thinking.

“Even if they have a problem, they’re still calling,” she added.

The schedule is more normal than it was a year ago, but for women who are still afraid to undergo mammography for COVID-19, they need to be familiar with breast recognition, how they feel, how they see it, and how to reach out. She said there was. Their healthcare providers are concerned.

However, early detection by mammograms often occurs a year or two before the lump is felt and discovered, she said. In addition, it is estimated that it will take 5-10 years for some cancer cells to become palpable.

“Mammograms detect 2-3 times more’early’breast cancer than physical examination,” says Yoder.





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