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Victoria Covid Update: Pfizer Vaccine Passport Trial for All Ages | Victoria


About 70,000 Victorian people have downloaded the updated service Victoria The app as the state promotes regional trials for the vaccinated economy.

The smartphone app allows Victorian people to view and download double jab vaccine certificates. It can be scanned together. QR code check-in at the venue..

Starting today, “vaccine passport” trials have begun in many locations in the highly vaccinated Bass Coast, Greater Bendigo, Pyrenees, Warrnambool, Broke and the East Gippsland municipalities. Eligible populations are expected to be fully vaccinated.

Venue and businesses, including galleries, cinemas, sports facilities, hospitality and retail stores, try more patrons for fully vaccinated people.

This is because Victorian people over the age of 12 will be able to visit the state-owned vaccination hub and receive mRNA vaccinations. This will provide an “increasing guarantee” of federal supply.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were previously restricted to Victorian people under the age of 60, but have been expanded to all eligible age groups since Monday.

“As we promote 70% and 80% double doses, it’s time to open the doors of more than 60 clinics across the state and provide the mRNA vaccine … to all visitors. “The Victorian Health Minister said. , Martin Foley.

“This change is made possible by the relatively certainty we currently have for both Moderna and Pfizer, and the extraordinary number of young people who have come out earlier over the last three and a half weeks.”

As of Monday morning, 86% of Victorian people over the age of 16 were initially vaccinated, including over 95% of people over the age of 70.

Of patients aged 12 to 16 years, 64% received a single vaccination within a month of the rollout being extended to the age group.

New vaccination campaigns are being rolled out on television, radio, print and online as the state flags the resumption of public life for vaccinated residents by the summer.

“It’s all about the Victorian people capturing the feeling of wanting to return to what we love and what we want … 20 months after such hard work,” Foley said. “Food, sports, travel, work, but perhaps the most important thing is to reunite with family, friends, and the people we love.”

Victoria reported 1,612 new cases of locally transmitted coronavirus overnight, killing an additional eight. There are men in their 40s, men in their 60s, 4 in their 70s, and 2 men in their 80s.

As hospitalizations increased to 677, more than one in five new cases were over 50 years of age, 133 of whom were in the intensive care unit and 94 of whom needed ventilation.

Outbreaks in Hume are beginning to stabilize, with 199 cases recorded from a peak of 300, partly due to a “dramatic” increase in vaccination with LGA. 85.6% of eligible Hume residents have been vaccinated at least once, almost doubling from the 48.2% minimum in a month.

However, there are concerns about an ongoing infection in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne, and additional testing and vaccination capabilities have been established in Cranbourne.

Casey recorded 174 new cases overnight, the highest of the LGA, and Victoria recorded 122 new cases. This includes 60 for Latrobe and 36 for Locked Down Mildura.

Foley said it was “more than hopeful” for the state to get the reopening plan on track, but the health care system challenges were “very realistic.”

“We want to make sure we take careful, cautious but lasting steps to resume,” he said. “All we have to do is go through a very tricky process.

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“The Victorian roadmap … and Burnet’s Lab modeling talked about various measures that are expected to increase the number of cases. So far, we’re still in the band.”

A few 10,000 people will participate in this year’s Melbourne Cup, “Thousands” can attend the outdoor concert at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on October 30th.

Foley said the “regulated setting” poses a significantly lower risk than other restrictions, including the relaxation of restrictions on home visits.

“If you have a CovidSafe plan, if you have a bubble arrangement, if you have the active cooperation of a responsible partner … there are safe events,” he said.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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