90% Project: Bay of Plenty “dodges bullets” in fear of Katikati, surge in locals wanting vaccines
Chris Jacob is Te Manu Toroa’s mobile vaccination coordinator and today operates a temporary test site at the Katikati Rugby Club with DHB, Nga Mataapuna Oranga Provider Network affiliates (Te Rūnangao Ngāi Tamawharuia and Pirirākau Hauora).Video / Bay of Plenty Times
Public health experts say the Bay of Plenty “dodged bullets” after the Covid-19 was scared in Katikati over the weekend.
However, the district mayor says the area cannot afford to be alert.
At a press conference at 4 pm today
Dr. Ashley Bloomfield said that Katikati people are no longer considered a case of Covid-19 after two tests were negative. Katikati’s places of interest have been removed.
The government also announced a provisional plan to move Waikato and Northland to Level 2 on Thursday at 11:59 pm, requiring health care workers nationwide to be vaccinated.
Covid’s horror in Katikati caused a surge in vaccination in the western bay.
According to Toi Te Ora Public Health, people in 1944 jab in the district on weekends, an increase of 70% compared to the previous weekend.
Medical officer Dr. Bruce Duncan believed that a pop-up vaccination center operating on Sunday emerged after the suspicious case of Covid was published on Saturday night. Vaccinations have also increased at three Tauranga pharmacies.
He said on Saturday that Toi Te Ora would investigate the cause of the positive test, and thanked him, their family, and all those who were tested for their cooperation.
Ross Laurenson, a professor of public health at the University of Waikato, said the close call at Katikati reminds us that the virus can spread easily.
“I think we’re all at risk of someone picking up the virus and not knowing about it at any given time,” he said.
“The Bay of Plenty dodged the bullet, but [the virus] You can go back. Hopefully you can manage things if everyone is vigilant. “
Gary Webber, Mayor of Western Bay of Plenty, urged people to be vaccinated. “If you are not vaccinated, you are vulnerable.
“There’s no reason to sigh for relief just because a negative test was done. Still, it’s the only way to get ahead of this pandemic, so you have to go out and get vaccinated in the community.”
Webber appreciated the locals who were tested and vaccinated on Sunday and those who tested positive using the Tracer app and tested.
“The person has done everything you expect a good citizen to do, and they should be tapped on their backs rather than blamed,” Webber said.
Chris Jacob, mobile vaccination coordinator for Te ManuToroa, said the number of locals in Katikati who want the vaccine is increasing.
The service visits Katikati every other week and operates outside the Katikati Baptist Church, with vaccinated people returning tomorrow afternoon.
“”[The case gave] Everyone is scared, but they are convinced that the virus is real and could come here. It’s the only positive thing that will come out. “
“We spend a little midnight for the community from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm or until we finish vaccination.”
Test stations were opened on Sunday at the Katikati Medical Center, Katikati Rugby and Sports Club Room, and Tauranga Accident and Healthcare. Vaccination clinics for Katikati RSA and Citizens Club were also operated.
Jacob estimated that 700 to 900 people had a Covid-19 test in Katikati on Sunday.
“It was a huge number of people. The community takes Covid-19 seriously and listens to advice on how to take the test,” he said.
“Like many other parts of the country, we all see this work, but you never think it will come to your little part of the town.”
Professor Michael Baker, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago, said positive cases that later returned negative were often historical cases.
People can return positive results for months. In one example, the New Zealanders returned a positive case after eight months, he said. It was not clear if Katikati’s case had previously been infected with Covid-19.
According to Baker, the fear of Katikati emphasizes the importance of vaccination.
“The current outbreak has had a significant stimulating effect on vaccine intake in New Zealand,” he said.
“Obviously, I don’t want it here, but it’s one of the positive effects. People realize that it’s a real threat and needs to be vaccinated as an important action.”
Norma Wigg was one of the people who took the test at Katikati on Sunday. She said it was a “great relief” that the original case was subsequently tested negative.
The wig was completely vaccinated, but wanted reassurance from the test to make sure “everything went well”.
Bay health and education sector leaders have been waiting for the details of the newly announced compulsory vaccination.
Covid-19 Minister of Response Chris Hipkins said that workers with health and disabilities will be fully vaccinated on December 1, this year, and all school and ECE staff in contact with children and students will be on January 1. He said he would need to receive both vaccinations by the day. A complete list of roles to which mandates apply is expected in the coming days.
Gary Beisi, president of the Rotorua Principals Association, said the situation was “what if” at this stage. He sought certainty about how the school could determine if staff had been double vaccinated starting next year.
Veysi, principal of Mamac School, said his mission was “the only way” to return to normal education and learning.
Suzanne Billington, chairman of the Western Bay of Plenty Principals Association, said the principal is waiting for details on the mandate from the Ministry of Education.
Dr. Kate Mills, a general practitioner at the Three Lakes Medical Clinic, said he understood the government’s decision, but said it was a “quite tough call” when it came to personal choice.
She said the feasibility of the medical sector and the “really protection” of healthcare professionals are important.
Stuart McDonald, owner of Tauranga’s Fifth Avenue pharmacy, believed that all healthcare workers should be vaccinated, but expected a kickback from the “small subsection” of individual pharmacists. Stated.
He said all pharmacists in his business had already been fully vaccinated.
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