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Wanaque Center reaches $ 6 million settlement with New Jersey’s adenovirus family


Children’s family Became a victim of the 2018 virus outbreak A new report reports that a medical facility in New Jersey has recently reached a $ 6 million settlement with its former owner.

After filing a lawsuit in 2020, children from 13 families who died or became seriously ill from the adenovirus epidemic at the Wanak Nursing Rehabilitation Center agreed to a $ 6.2 million settlement at some point last month. reported Monday.

“This was a siren’s call for what the world needs to be prepared for when a pandemic occurs,” Paul da Costa, a lawyer for 13 families, told the publication. “It showed that all long-term facilities should take their obligations and obligations more seriously and remember that they should never be betrayed.”

Researchers have found that 11 children have died and 25 have been ill in pediatric orphanages due to the adenovirus that has spread due to poor hygiene and protocols.New Jersey Health Department Said that the outbreak of adenovirus was notified At the 227-bed Haskel Nursing Home on October 9, 2018.

Workers at the New Jersey Rehab Center later in the month The facility’s “dirty” room saidOld and rusty equipment, mold, and inadequate maintenance were some of the causes of the virus outbreak. However, workers claimed at the time that top staff were only concerned when health officials were trying to inspect the facility, blinding to concerns about the employee’s moody condition.

The Wanak Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has agreed to pay $ 6.2 million as a settlement to 13 families who lost their children at the facility due to the 2018 adenovirus outbreak.
The Wanak Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has agreed to pay $ 6.2 million as a settlement to 13 families who lost their children at the facility due to the 2018 adenovirus outbreak.
Associated Press Photo / Julio Cortez

“”[These patients] It’s worth taking care of, “said Tarekomi. “They don’t even get a quarter of what they pay for.”

Adenovirus strain type 7, which spread in New Jersey nursing homes, is “known to be associated with communal living arrangements and cause serious illness,” the New Jersey Department of Health said in 2018. Stated in a statement.

Online recording Showed that the center is undergoing regular inspections, And in August 2018, six health deficiencies were cited, including the failure to provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.

At the Wanak Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 11 children died and 25 became ill due to the adenovirus that was widespread due to poor hygiene and protocols.
At the Wanak Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 11 children died and 25 became ill due to the adenovirus that was widespread due to poor hygiene and protocols.
David McGrin

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, washing hands with soap and water, avoiding contact with eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands and avoiding close contact with sick people can delay the spread of adenovirus. I can do it. When a team of health officials visited a medical facility for an investigation, they said they found a “minor hand-washing defect” there.

NS Outbreak of respiratory illness — Usually causes mild cold-like symptoms, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, acute respiratory illness — Infected several children It weakens immunity and causes serious health. According to the report, the family claimed in a 2019 proceeding that the negligence of staff and owners caused the death of a child with a disability.

Among those who died was Dorcase Dorsin, a four-year-old girl whose mother Moderin Auguste told about the settlement.

According to the CDC, adenovirus causes mild cold-like symptoms that can be fatal to people whose immune system is already weakened.
According to the CDC, adenovirus causes mild cold-like symptoms that can be fatal to people whose immune system is already weakened.

New Jersey facilities Sold in 2019 Has been renamed.





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