Manitoba tightens Southern Health COVID-19 quarantine rules-Winnipeg
In the Southern Health District of Manitoba, stricter quarantine regulations are being applied to curb the increase in community infection rates in the area.
Under the new rules, anyone living in close contact and living in a symptomatic area-even if they don’t know COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Exposure — Must be self-quarantined.
“There is a very high prevalence in the area,” said Dr. Jazz Atwal, deputy public health officer, on Tuesday.
“Disproportionately, the case is there. Disproportionately, we are seeing hospitalizations coming from southern health.”
Atwal said the new rules, which will come into effect soon, will not apply to anyone in the area who has been fully vaccinated or infected with the virus within the last six months.
Designated workers who are not fully vaccinated but participate in regular rapid examinations are also exempt from the new self-quarantine regulations, Atwal added.
Household members in other parts of the state do not need to self-quarantine in such cases unless they show symptoms themselves.
The Southern Health region currently has the most active cases in Manitoba, even though it accounts for only about 15% of the state’s total population.
Health data show that 258 of the 928 active cases in the state come from Southern Health.
It also accounted for 7 of the 9 deaths reported since Friday and 161 of the 479 new cases at that time.
Meanwhile, the area also has the lowest immunization rate of the five health areas in Manitoba.
Local outbreaks occur in other areas, including some isolated communities in the north, but infections are generally widespread in the southern areas.
“We need to split as many transmission chains as possible,” Atwal said.
The move will take place within two weeks of the state imposing a 50% capacity limit on retailers in the southern region and leaving the other four regions untouched.
The government is trying to increase vaccination in the southern region, and Manitoba doctors will hold a telephone city hall in the region to answer questions from people who are hesitant or opposed to the vaccine. Did.
However, the proportion of people receiving at least one vaccination remains the lowest in the region, at 67%, compared to the state average of nearly 86%. In some southern regions, that percentage is 25 percent.
New cases, outbreaks
Recently, new daily cases are being reported more and more in Manitoba.
Health officials reported 130 cases on Friday and 132 cases on Thursday. This is the highest daily total new patient in the state. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Cases after mid-June.
Former Manitoba anti-vaxxer trusts his family for changing his mind: “They did it with love.”
The state reported 66 new cases on Tuesday. Winnipeg When Southern health, 8 infectious diseases Prairie Mountain Health Area, 7 inches Northern Health, And 3 from Interlake-Eastern Health RegioNS.
90 new cases were reported on Saturday, 114 cases were reported on Sunday, and 79 cases were identified on Monday. The state’s 5-day test positive rate is 3.9 percent.
Meanwhile, as of Tuesday morning, COVID-19 reported 85 Manitoba people in the hospital, with 16 patients in need of an intensive care unit.
Health officials said the outbreak was declared at Winnipeg’s Spring Christian Academy Ubil Campus, causing classes to move or be restricted to orange in the state’s pandemic response system.
The outbreak was declared at Winkler’s Chemawawin Cree Nation and Salem Home, the state announced Tuesday.
Since March 2020, Manitoba has reported 61,721 virus-related COVID-19 cases and 1,224 deaths.
— Use files from The Canadian Press
Do you have any questions about COVID-19? There are some things you need to know.
Symptoms You may have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop more serious illnesses. The risk for this is highest in the elderly and in people with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung, and kidney disease. If you have symptoms, Contact public health authorities..
NS Prevent the spread of the virus, Experts recommend frequent hand washing and coughing on your sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others, stay at home as much as possible, and stay 2 meters away from others when you’re out. In situations where it is not possible to keep a safe distance from others, public health officials recommend the use of non-medical face masks or covers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may carry the virus. .. Masks or face covers are required in indoor public spaces in some states and municipalities across the country.
For full COVID-19 coverage from Global News, Please see the coronavirus page..
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