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Oregon reports that it has recorded an additional 82 COVID-19-related deaths in its data adjustment efforts.

Hospitalization and ICU patients continue to decline.Crook County reports 63 reports

Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-Recent data adjustments have increased the number of newly reported COVID-19-related deaths in Oregon to 82 and the state’s deaths to 4,084, Oregon said. The Department of Health reported on Tuesday.

The Central Oregon Department of Health reported that nine of the newly reported deaths were from Deschutes County, increasing the county’s total death to 122.

OHA also reported 1,413 new confirmed estimated cases of COVID-19 at 12:01 am on Tuesday, bringing the state to a total of 345,344.

Note: Tuesday’s total shows the highest number of COVID-19-related deaths reported in one day in Oregon. OHA reported that this was partly due to the adjustment of mortality data.

Death is an indicator of delay and generally follows a surge in cases, OHA said. In addition, OHA epidemiologists often check death certificates, which often delays reporting. OHA said it expects the reported deaths to remain high, even as the daily number of cases declines. This is due to the time lag between a person being positive in a COVID-19 case and dying from COVID-19.

“The best way to reduce COVID-19-related deaths is to vaccinate. Safe, free, and highly effective vaccines are widely available throughout Oregon,” OHA said.

Third dose and booster immunization It is also recommended for qualified people. Vaccination helps control the proliferation of delta mutants and can also reduce the likelihood of other mutants appearing, officials said.

Monthly data updates for the Health Care Workbench dashboard are now available

In the data update in October, Health Care Workforce (HCW) Dashboard Currently, the data up to October 4th is included. The number of health care workers in each Oregon County has also been added. As expected, immunization rates continue to rise for all license boards and types, with an overall immunization rate of 82%.

Note: The Health Care Workforce dashboard does not represent the population of health care workers in need of vaccination under the mandate announced on August 10. Whether a healthcare worker falls under the vaccination mandate depends on the license board and type based on a variety of circumstances and factors. OHA does not have specific data on the percentage of health care workers eligible for mandates.

COVID-19 hospitalization

The number of patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon is 585, 59 fewer than Monday. There are 149 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) bed, 21 fewer than Monday.

There are 56 adult ICU beds out of a total of 682 (8% availability) and 298 adult non-ICU beds out of 4,117 (7% availability).

The total number of patients in bed can fluctuate during reporting times. This number does not reflect the number of hospital stays or length of stay per day. This data does not include personnel limits and may further limit bed capacity.

October 12, 2021 Beds available (and percentage of staffed beds available)
State-wide Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 9
Adult ICU bed available 56 (8%) 23 (6%) 4 (5%) 7 (8%) 5 (8%) 3 (30%) 10 (19%) 4 (15%)
Adult non-ICU beds available 298 (7%) 59 (3%) 16 (3%) 64 (10%) 41 (10%) 5 (10%) 75 (18%) 38 (32%)

St. Charles Bend reported 61 COVID-19 patients early Tuesday, 10 of whom were in the ICU and 7 were on ventilator. The hospital reported that 9 of the 10 ICU patients were not completely vaccinated and 48 of the 61 patients were not completely vaccinated.

Note: Do not visit the emergency department for a COVID-19 test unless you need emergency treatment for your symptoms...

Oregon’s emergency department is under heavy burden in response to the current surge in can Find the test here..

If you have a medical condition that does not require emergency care, contact your health care provider. The emergency medical center will also help you get the medical care you need and save the emergency department from the additional burden.

Learn more about hospital capacity...

Vaccination in Oregon

On Tuesday, OHA reported that a new dose of 10,629 COVID-19 vaccinations was added to the state’s immune registries on Monday.

Of that total, 5,808 was administered on Monday. There were 970 first doses, 1,044 second doses, 3,771 third doses and booster immunization. The remaining 5,808, which was administered the day before, was registered in the vaccine registry on Monday.

Currently, the 7-day moving average is 10,352 times per day.

Oregon is currently receiving 3,121,602 doses of Pfizer Community, 1,923,609 doses of Modana, and 221,073 doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

As of Tuesday, 2,773,754 people have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine at least once, and 2,556,839 have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series.

These data are tentative and subject to change.

Updated vaccination data will be provided at COVID-19 in Oregon Data dashboard Updated on Tuesday.

Incident and death

Newly confirmed putative COVID-19 cases reported today are in the following counties: Benton (34), Clackamas (83), Clatsop (4), Colombia (14), Couse (34), Crook (63): )-Crook County Curry (3), Deschutz (92), Douglas (39), Gilliam (2), Grant (17), Harney (21), Hood River (9), Jackson (63), Jefferson (13), Josephine (24), Clackamas (84), Lake (14), Lane (119), Lincoln (8), Lynn (48), Malheur (45), Marion (112), Morrow (10), Multnomah (118), Pork (64), Sherman (2), Tillamook (3), Umatilla (96), Union (8), Waroua (5), Wasco (28), Washington (83), Yamhill (51).

More information on the incident and death will be provided in an updated news release.

Details of COVID-19 vaccination

For more information on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon, see the OHA web page (English Also Spanish), Distribution and other information breakdown




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