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Maine reported 893 COVID-19 cases, killing another 7 in 4 days


Maine reports 893 new cases of COVID-19 and 7 more deaths in 4 days.

Case from Saturday As the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday Prevention did not report the number of cases on weekends, and indigenous day holidays further delayed case reporting.

In the absence of a substantial backlog of cases processed this week, the 4-day number of cases represents a decrease in the average number of cases per day. The 7-day average for new cases daily on Wednesday was 382.9, 589.3 a week ago and 444.1 a month ago.

In the last few weeks, CDC workers in Maine have been unable to process all the test results that come in to get rid of duplicate positive test results, backlogs occur, and thousands after days or more than a week. The test has been processed. First reported to the state. But last week there wasn’t a big backlog and the daily report was a better reflection of the current trends.

Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the main CDC, will explain to the media today at 2:00 pm.

According to the Harvard Global Health Institute, the prevalence in Maine is close to the national average, with Maine reporting 27.4 cases per 100,000 people (7-day average), while the national average is 28 cases.

Since the pandemic began in March 2020, Maine has reported 95,833 cases of COVID-19 and 1,083 deaths.

Maine reported on Wednesday that 168 people were hospitalized with COVID-19, 60 were critically ill and 29 were ventilated. Hospitalizations increased last week after dropping from a peak of 235 patients in late September.

In terms of vaccination, 888,802 people receive the final dose, which is 66.1 percent of the state’s 1.3 million population.

Meanwhile, Lewiston’s Central Main Healthcare staff on Tuesday Asked the Mills administration for test optionsn Healthcare workers are obliged to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Steve Littleson, President and CEO of Central Maine Healthcare, said that more than 200 staff members quit their jobs instead of being vaccinated to disconnect the Central Maine Medical Center for neonatal intensive care, children’s hospital admissions, trauma treatment, etc. Said that the service will be brought.

However, Governor Janet Mills rejected the idea, and none of the other major health systems in the state (MaineHealth, Northern Light Health, MaineGeneral Medical Center) required testing options.

“Healthcare professionals need to take all precautions to protect themselves and the people they serve,” Mills said. “Regular testing is not as effective in protecting people’s health as vaccination, so routine testing is not part of our policy and will require all healthcare professionals to be vaccinated in the future. It’s not part of federal policy. “

Hospitals have reported that so far more than 90% of workers have been vaccinated by Friday. Friday is the last day healthcare professionals can be vaccinated and meet the October 29 full vaccination deadline. Those who get a Johnson & Johnson shot on Friday will be fully immunized two weeks after the shot is given.

Paul Borin, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Northern Light Health, said in a conference call with reporters Wednesday that 95.5 percent of the system’s more than 12,000 employees were fully vaccinated. He said he expects to increase.

“We see people changing their minds and deciding to get vaccinated every day,” Borin said.

Mr. Borin said Northern Wright did not expect “a significant reduction in our business” after the mandate came into effect.

This story will be updated..

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