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How to avoid the “super cold” that is sweeping the country, according to Dis Morning doctors


The “super cold” is sweeping Britain, and many are experiencing symptoms that describe it as “the worst cold in history.”

Those suffering from symptoms may be confused as to whether it is a cold, flu, or flu this season. coronavirus, Covid’s symptoms changed over time.

At the beginning of the pandemic, people were asked to be aware of continuous coughing, fever, and loss of taste.

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But now that symptoms can approach a common cold, the only way to rule out symptoms as Covid is to get tested.

So what is the reason behind this new moody that is kind of offensive to people?Dr. Philippa Key, a trainee this morning, reports that he explained everything you need to know. Wales Online.

What is the reason behind a bad cold?

For the first time since March 2020, the director of health warns that large-scale socializing without Covid’s restrictions, such as masks, can lead to illness for both adults and children.

This morning, Dr. Philippa Key confirmed this by saying: “Last year we were all at home and were very happy with the restrictions and social distance.

“In other words, the epidemic virus couldn’t spread everywhere.

“Now that colleges, schools, hospitals and nightclubs are back, we’re open, so they can spread from person to person.

“For some people, such as children who weren’t very exposed in the past, they may have received it not only this year but also last year.”

Is it really the “worst cold in the world”?

Dr. Philippa was wondering why patients call it the “worst cold in the world.”

She said, “It was a while ago, considering the last time I caught a cold, so I don’t remember how miserable they were.

“Second, it’s not the virus that makes you feel sick, but the body’s immune system.

“The natural defense system is doing those things to try to kill the virus. Temperature is not the virus. Temperature is your body trying to kill it.

“We really need to take care of ourselves, and for most people it lasts for a few days and we need to be confident that they will get better.

“The absolute best thing anyone can do this winter is to have it if you haven’t received the Covid vaccine yet. If you qualify for the flu vaccine, get it too.”

Dr. Philippa addressed the state of mind of people and the general perception of the common cold, adding:

“The level of stress and anxiety in the population is really rising.

“I think a lot of people are worried about this because they have been taught to be afraid of coughing and catch colds.

“Covid is much more serious than this cold, and it’s very important to stick to the guidance.”

This year, the flu vaccine has been expanded to people over the age of 50, pregnant, in chronic health, and by the 11th year at school.

A healthy lifestyle and good eating will help keep your body in optimal condition to avoid catching a cold.

John Clark, an online coach and former 80kg bodybuilding champion, said:

“For example, if you have an unplanned diet on holidays, you will have cold herpes because you don’t get enough nutrients.”

Tips for avoiding “super cold”

Here are some tips for avoiding the “super cold” of the season.

  • Good hand hygiene and wash your hands regularly
  • Make sure your home is well ventilated
  • Make sure you get enough sleep and rest well
  • Try to eat healthy and delicious by limiting processed foods such as cereals, sausage rolls, pies, pastes and potato chips.
  • Stay healthy by hydrating and supplementing with Vitamin C.
  • Exercise regularly and enjoy a walk outdoors in search of fresh air

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