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The Task Force says most people shouldn’t take aspirin daily to prevent a heart attackExBulletin

The Task Force says most people shouldn’t take aspirin daily to prevent a heart attackExBulletin


The Medical Task Force is changing guidance on the use of aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease. Elderly Americans without heart disease say they shouldn’t start taking low doses of aspirin daily.

Alisa Chan, Host:

You may have heard that taking low doses of aspirin on a regular basis reduces the chances of a heart attack or stroke. However, according to a new recommendation from the top US medical committee, starting aspirin daily can be more harmful than good for some people. NPR virus tone reports.

Signature, Signature: People over the age of 60 should not start taking aspirin to prevent their first heart attack or stroke. This is one of the major points from the latest recommendations published by the US Preventive Medicine Commission. Dr. John Wong, a member of the Task Force, screened the latest research and weighed the benefits.

JOHN WONG: What we found is that aspirin appears to have less benefit from cardiovascular disease than in previous studies.

Stone: And they investigated the harm.

Wong: And there is growing awareness among healthy individuals of all ages that aspirin increases the risk of bleeding as people get older.

Ishi: Wong emphasizes that while many people take aspirin safely, bleeding can occur in the stomach, intestines, and brain and can be life-threatening. These guidelines have some important nuances. It does not apply to people who already have a heart attack or stroke, or who take aspirin daily. And Wong says the guidance will change as we move to the age group under 60.

Wong: Aspirin may bring some benefits to people in their 40s and 50s.

Ishi: He says whether you choose to take it depends on your cardiovascular risk and should be decided with your doctor. I agree with Mayo Clinic cardiologist Demirard Adedinsewow.

Demirard Adedinsewow: This information is basically for conversation with your doctor. This is not a complete recommendation for anyone taking aspirin to discontinue aspirin.

STONE: Guidance isn’t complete yet, but cardiologist Kannan Mutharasan has already received a lot of calls.

KANNAN MUTHARASAN: Our office is full of questions about this.

Stone: Mutarasan is enrolled in the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. He says the updated recommendations weren’t really a surprise. With three groundbreaking studies published a few years ago, cardiologists changed their daily guidance on aspirin.

MUTHARASAN: The field has already begun these conversations and is making these adjustments and changes to fine-tune things for individual patients.

Ishi: He says that some patients over the age of 60 may ultimately decide that it makes sense to start with aspirin, given their medical history. The Task Force makes final decisions after taking public comments. Virus tone, NPR news.

(Music sound bite)

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