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Over 50% of recovered patients experience long Covid symptoms of up to 6 months: study


More than half of people diagnosed with Covid-19 experience post-Covid symptoms. Known as Long Covid, According to one study, up to 6 months after recovery.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State Medical College in the United States say governments, healthcare organizations, and public health professionals need to prepare for a large number of Covid-19 survivors who need care for a variety of psychological and physical conditions. Said.

Many Covid-19 patients experience symptoms such as fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, joint pain, and loss of taste and smell when ill.

The study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, reviewed 57 reports containing data from 250,351 unvaccinated adults and children diagnosed with Covid-19 between December 2019 and March 2021. ..

Of those surveyed, 79% were hospitalized and most patients (79%) lived in high-income countries. The median age of patients was 54 years, with the majority of individuals (56%) being male.

Researchers analyzed the health status of patients after Covid at three intervals: 1 month (short term), 2-5 months (medium term), and 6 months or longer (long term).

According to the findings, survivors experienced a series of residual health problems associated with Covid-19. In general, these complications affected the general well-being of patients, their mobility or organ system.

Overall, one in two survivors experienced long-term Covid symptoms. The incidence was fairly constant from the first illness to over 6 months.

Researchers have noted some trends among survivors. Over half of all patients reported weight loss, malaise, fever or pain. About 1 in 5 survivors experienced reduced mobility.

Nearly one in four survivors experienced diminished concentration or was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.

Six out of ten survivors had abnormal chest imaging, and more than a quarter of patients had dyspnea.

Chest pain and palpitations were one of the commonly reported conditions. One in five patients experienced hair loss or rash. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting were one of the commonly reported symptoms.

“These findings support what many healthcare professionals and Covid-19 survivors claim, which means that Covid-19 can have a protracted adverse health effect,” said Penn State University. Vernon Chinchilli, Senior Research Fellow, said.

“Previous studies examined the prevalence of long-term Covid symptoms in patients, but this study examined a larger population, including people in high-, middle-, and low-income countries, and examined more symptoms. “Chinchilli added.

Researchers pointed out that the mechanism by which Covid-19 causes prolonged symptoms in survivors is not fully understood.

They said these symptoms could be due to virus-induced overdrive of the immune system, prolonged infection, reinfection, or increased production of autoantibodies (antibodies directed to one’s own tissues). ..

The SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pathogen that causes Covid-19, can access, invade, and live in the nervous system, the researchers said.

As a result, they added that nervous system symptoms such as taste and smell disorders, memory problems, and decreased attention and concentration are common in survivors.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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