Health experts say COVID patients should still be vaccinated
Medical professionals know that vaccines can help prevent people from getting COVID-19.
And they know that if someone gets infected with COVID, vaccination is more likely to give better results. The antibody response produced by the vaccine reduces the chances of a patient going to the hospital and the chances of someone dying.
However, three approved COVID vaccines — Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson versions — It’s not the only one that provides a level of immunity. You can also get a COVID.
This leads to a logical question: is there a difference in protection between the vaccine and the antibody produced by getting sick?
And do I need to be vaccinated even if the patient is already infected with COVID?
The answer to the first question is a bit complicated, but national and local health professionals say that patients infected with COVID need to be vaccinated to increase protection.
What’s the difference?
Health experts say there is not yet a verdict on what exactly is the difference between getting a vaccine and getting an antibody produced by getting a COVID.
Research on this topic is still in its infancy, and early research has not yielded definitive results.
In a recommendation to those who had a COVID to be vaccinated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention A study of hundreds of COVID patients in Kentucky.. Unvaccinated patients who were previously infected with COVID were shown to be twice as likely to be infected again as they were infected with COVID and later vaccinated.
“Even if you have been infected with COVID-19 before, get vaccinated,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, in an August statement on the study. “This study shows that if you are not vaccinated, you are twice as likely to get infected again. Getting the vaccine protects you and others around you. This is the best way to do this, especially because more contagious delta variants are spreading throughout the country. “
on the other hand, Study done in Israel People who had previously been infected with COVID were not infected with COVID and were shown to be more protected from the delta mutation than those who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
Dr. Catherine Pauls, an infectious disease physician at Penn State Health Milton S. Hercy Medical Center, said: “At this point it’s just a guess.”
The lack of clarity is primarily due to the lack of research and data on immunity under the COVID contract. Paules said much more is known about vaccines.
“When it comes to protection, we know more about vaccines than infections,” she said. “We will know more later, but science is not there yet.”
Dr. Debra Powell, director of the Infectious Diseases Department at Reading Hospital, said obtaining a COVID provides a wider range of antibody responses than vaccines. However, the more focused response of vaccines that produce peplomer antibodies has proven to be very effective.
“As we’ve seen, peplomer antibodies provide the best protection,” she said.
Paules said the vaccine produces a more predictable response.
“I can really say that I will be protected from serious infections in the future,” she said.
On the other hand, she said, the response to obtaining COVID could depend on the severity of the infection. People who are asymptomatic or mild may not show as strong an antibody response as those who have more severe symptoms.
And Pauls said there may be other factors that can affect immune levels, the immune system’s reactions other than antibody production. Things won’t be clear until more research is done.
Layer of protection
Powell said a single solution is not the answer when it comes to fighting COVID.
“Much of what we do is multi-layered protection,” she said, requiring a combination of vaccines and masks to combat the pandemic. “There is more than one quick solution to this. The longer it takes to mutate this virus, the harder it is to fight.”
It is still unclear how long the immunity from vaccines and infections will last, but Powell said it is clear that they are not permanent. That’s why the topic of booster shots has recently surfaced.
“In any case, antibodies decline over time,” she said.
Powell said that each time a person is exposed to an antigen by either a vaccine or an infection, they produce higher and higher levels of antibodies.
“Every time you expose it again, the amplitude increases,” she said. “That’s why you get booster shots.”
Powell said it makes sense to vaccinate previously infected people as well, as the level of antibody that a person needs to protect from COVID is unknown.
Paules agrees, but be careful.
She said she doesn’t think vaccination would “overprotect” you, but questioned whether the side effects of the vaccine could be more severe for those who already have high antibody levels.
She said she had heard cases of increased headaches and body aches with COVID, although small clinical trials did not show it. She has never heard of an increase in serious side effects.
“We are waiting for more data,” she said.
Paules said he recommends at least one COVID vaccination for people infected with COVID, given the lack of better research. She said she encourages people in the high-risk category to be fully vaccinated.
Powell said he is following the CDC guidelines, which state that everyone, including previously infected ones, should be fully vaccinated.
Powell and Pauls also emphasized that those who have not yet been infected with COVID and who have not been vaccinated should be surely infected, emphasizing safety and efficacy.
“Without antibodies, there is a much higher chance of serious illness and adverse outcomes,” Powell said. “If you haven’t been vaccinated before, get it now. Currently, there are still many COVIDs in our community, and delta variants are even more contagious.”
According to Powell, the vast majority of people currently admitted to Reading Hospital are unvaccinated and more young people are admitted.
Paules said he had spoken to people who were not vaccinated and instead were infected and waiting to develop antibodies. There’s still all the unclear points about COVID, but she said she’s convinced it’s not a good idea.
“Infection is no better than a vaccine,” she said. “I feel 100% confident.”
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