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Children aged 6-11 account for the most cases across the state – CBS Denver


Denver (CBS4)– Colorado is currently among the top 15 states in the United States for COVID-19’s highest seven-day incident, according to new data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Colorado was 41st two weeks ago, but is now 14th, and another wave could be seen if the virus does not slow down, the Ministry of Health said.

(Credit: CBS)

CBS4 asked state officials why the number of cases was increasing, but they were not sure exactly. State epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Harley said there could be multiple factors, including seasonal weather changes, an increase in the number of people indoors, and younger children who are not vaccinated. Currently, children aged 6 to 11 see the most cases in the state.

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“People under the age of 12 have not been vaccinated at this time. These children are actually at increased risk since the pandemic began with COVID-19 and the pandemic,” Herlihy said. Stated.

Laura Anne-Cleveland, Associate Chief Nursing Officer at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, said that for children everything starts at home.

“We don’t end with COVID. We need to be vigilant because it doesn’t end with us as much as we want to do,” said Anne Cleveland.

Ann Cleveland said parents can take precautions by continuing to wear masks, keeping a social distance, and washing their hands frequently.

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“The side of pressure from peers, especially if there is an environment where they are not needed, they can stand out when wearing masks and being able to have those conversations with the children is really, really It’s important, “Ann said-Cleveland.

(Credit: Getty Images)

Children usually experience mild symptoms, but doctors have confirmed that they have long-term effects, and some children are on ventilators. Ann Cleveland said parents should act swiftly to enroll their children once the vaccine is available to young children.

“I don’t want to panic, but I think we need to understand that COVID affects children, especially if these children have some kind of immunodeficiency, which can be serious.” Said Anne Cleveland. “It’s safe to get the vaccine when it’s available. Recent clinic studies show how safe it is for children. This is important.”

CBS4 asked a representative of Governor Jared Polis’ office if he plans to close the school again due to an increase in child cases.

(Credit: Getty Images)

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A spokeswoman sent this statement. “The state does not intend to close schools. Face-to-face learning is important for the health, safety and well-being of students and families. Parents aged 12 to 17 are protected from COVID-19 and face-to-face learning. It is advisable to vaccinate children to minimize interruptions in the state of vaccines for children aged 5 to 11 years to further protect children and their access to learning. We are working 24 hours a day to prepare for FDA approval. ”





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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