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Covid Scotland: Areas of Scotland not given Covid boosters with flu shots

Covid Scotland: Areas of Scotland not given Covid boosters with flu shots


The NHS Highlands have moved to reassure the elderly amid concerns about vulnerabilities in their 80s and above in some areas. I am facing a delay in the Covid booster.

health Board and general practitioner practice is currently in the process of immunizing 70-year-old adults, caregiver residents, NHS staff, and previously shielded people over the age of 16.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) states that booster and influenza vaccination should be given together “when appropriate” at least 6 months after the second Covid shot. increase.

Elderly people living in parts of the Highlands, including Lough Arbor, receive the flu vaccine separately without booster immunization.

A spokesman for the NHS Highlands said it is not possible to deliver both vaccines together in all regions due to logistical and geographical issues.

He said people who were only vaccinated against the flu would be contacted “soon.”

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NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Grampian, Fife, Forth Valley, Lothian, Borders, Ayrshire and Arran say boosters and flu shots are done together, Western Isles says patients juggle together Or he said he was given the option to have them separately.

According to NHS Tayside, people over the age of 70 and those who previously shielded are now invited to flu vaccination at their general practitioner’s clinic.

The board said a letter invitation to the group’s boosters would follow and take place at the local vaccination center. Details on the NHS Orkney website state that they initially prioritize flu shots.

A large study in the United Kingdom found evidence of a “breakthrough infection” more than three months after complete vaccination, raising concerns about diminished vaccination immunity.

Researchers at Imperial College London analyzed more than 100,000 cotton swabs and found that unvaccinated people had a Covid infection rate three to four times higher than those who received two injections.

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However, complete vaccination significantly reduced the infection rate, from 1.76% unvaccinated to 0.35% 3 months after the second vaccination, but the infection rate is 3-6 after the second vaccination. It rose to 0.55% again in the month.

This finding suggests that protection against infection, with or without symptoms, begins to decline months after full vaccination, but other studies show that vaccine protection against hospitalization and death is much stronger. is showing.

A spokesman for the NHS Highlands said:

“When possible and practical, vaccines are co-administered. This is not always possible because vaccine delivery varies by region.

The Scottish Government has stated that all groups between the ages of 16 and 49 and other eligible groups, including adults over the age of 50, will be able to book online from October.

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NHS Inform officials said they were waiting for the latest guidance and said the system had not yet accepted reservations.

People on the list at highest risk of having severe immunosuppression during the last Covid vaccination are offered a third primary dose instead of booster immunization.

The JCVI Committee provided advice based on preliminary data from the octave test. This showed that almost all immunosuppressed individuals initiated an immune response after two doses, as indicated by either antibodies or T cells. The proportion of antibodies was low.

It is not yet clear how this will affect their protection against Covid-19.




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