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Calling BC to Speed ​​Up Vaccine Booster Deployment in Deadly Care Home Outbreaks


Big and deadly COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) The outbreak in Burnaby’s care home has called on the British Columbia government to speed up the deployment of vaccine booster shots to vulnerable older people.

As of Friday, 10 residents of the Willingdon Care Center had died in outbreaks involving at least 100 cases. 78 of these cases are resident, accounting for 82 percent of the elderly living in the facility.

“This is a tragic situation and I think it could have been avoided by the faster deployment of boosters,” said Terry Lake, CEO of the BC Care Providers Association.

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Call for urgent deployment of booster shots for care homes

Call for urgent deployment of booster shots for care homes

The third dose is now considered an important protection for very vulnerable people. Immune response to vaccine weakens, Studies show.

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The National Advisory Board on Immunization officially recommended booster shots for people with home care and severe immunodeficiency on September 28, and BC’s own deployment is underway for about two weeks.

The state has given about 42,000 third doses to date, but only a few have been given primarily to people living in Lower Mainland care facilities.

State health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry defended the pace of this week’s rollout, saying the state relies on global data on reduced vaccine efficacy in about six months and follows NACI’s guidance. I did.

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COVID-19: BC reports 667 new cases and 13 deaths, up to a fatal week

But Lake said BC wasn’t always waiting for NACI, and the state acted in front of the committee to widen the gap between the first and second doses last spring, in Alberta and Ontario. Both pointed out that they started launching booster shots a few weeks ago.

He said BC’s current timeline states that many older people wait for a third dose until mid-November, up to 10 months after receiving the second dose.

“We know it’s too late, and unless we speed this up, we’ll see more outbreaks and more deaths,” Lake said.

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Strengthening COVID-19 restrictions in Northern Health

Strengthening COVID-19 restrictions in Northern Health

Opponents of BC liberals are also urging the state to act swiftly.

Interim leader Shirley Bond said there were additional protections that the state failed to implement to protect home care people.

“The concern we are hearing is the fact that other jurisdictions have advanced much faster than in BC,” she said.

“For example, since the beginning of the pandemic, we have called for the use of rapid testing and expanded testing options. We know that long-term care is one of the paces at which it can be used more widely.”

read more:

Outbreaks of “serious” COVID-19 infect more than 7 out of 10 BC care home residents

BC was able to maintain a stable new COVID-19 case every day last month, but deaths have increased dramatically in recent weeks.

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The state has not released the latest data on age-specific deaths, but as of October 2, the overwhelming majority of deaths among people over the age of 70 remain.

Approximately 30% of new cases of double-vaccinated people with weakened immunity to the vaccine mean that hundreds of thousands of older people living in the area may also be at higher risk. increase.

The state is expected to provide more details on booster doses for the uncareful elderly next week.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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