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Indiana reports first-season flu-related deaths | Local news

Indiana reports first-season flu-related deaths | Local news


Indianapolis-Indiana health officials have requested Hoosiers to be vaccinated against the flu after confirming the first flu-related deaths of the 2021-22 flu season.

According to a news release from the Indiana Department of Health, privacy law does not disclose additional information about patients.

Every year, hundreds of Hoogers get sick from the flu and can be fatal in some cases. During the 2020-21 flu season, seven Hoogers died after the flu. In 2019-20, 137 Hoogers died of the disease.

“Last year’s flu deaths were some of the least we’ve seen, but this was primarily the COVID-19 that most Hoogers followed, such as staying at home and wearing a mask. It’s a mitigation measure, “said FACOG State Health Commissioner Chris Box, MD. At release.

Influenza remains a very real threat to the Hoogers, and ISDH is still tense with the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic to everyone eligible for influenza vaccination itself and the state hospital system. We encourage you to protect.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against the flu vaccine each year. Infants under 6 months cannot be vaccinated, so it is important that everyone in the household in which the baby lives or visits is vaccinated against the flu to protect the child. Healthcare workers are also encouraged to get the flu vaccine to reduce the risk of transmitting the disease to their patients.

“The CDC recommends early vaccination because it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to prevent the flu to develop in the body,” the release said. “But the flu vaccine can be given at any time during the season. It usually runs from October to May during the season.”

Influenza is a viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is spread by the respiratory droplets released when infected people cough or sneeze nearby, or when people touch a surface or object contaminated with those infectious respiratory droplets. You can also get infected by touching a surface or object contaminated with the flu virus and then touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.

Everyone can get the flu, but some are at high risk for flu-related complications such as pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Pregnant women, infants (especially those who are too young to be vaccinated), people with chronic illness, immunocompromised people, and the elderly are at greatest risk. It is especially important for these individuals to be vaccinated annually.

The common signs and symptoms of influenza are:

• Fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit

• Headache

• Malaise

• Cough

• muscle pain

• sore throat

• Runny nose or stuffy nose

People can prevent the spread of the flu by washing their hands frequently and thoroughly, avoiding touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, and staying home when they are ill. Hoosiers need to practice three Cs to prevent the spread of influenza and other infectious diseases.

• Clean: Wash your hands properly with warm soapy water frequently.

• Cover: Covers the cough and sneezes on the arm or disposable tissue.

• Containment: To prevent the spread of bacteria, stay home or work from school when you are ill.

Influenza vaccine will be available from Tuesday to Saturday at the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic opposite Gate 2 of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway until October 30th. To find other places in the ZIP code, go to the following website:

Visit the Indiana Department of Health. Follow us on Twitter (@StateHealthIN) and Facebook (Facebook) for important health and safety information.





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