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It’s time to get a flu shot Health officials predict a serious flu season | Local News


After the mildest flu season recorded in 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that the virus will recur early and could be hit harder this year.

Normally, about 35 million Americans are infected with the virus, but mainly due to COVID safety measures such as masking, increased hand washing, increased physical distance, and increased influenza vaccination rates, influenza in the United States Only 2,000 cases were recorded at the end. Year. As a result, it is difficult to predict what this flu season will bring, said Dr. Nathaniel Franley, a physician in family medicine and sports medicine at the Ashtabura County Medical Center.

“Now that many of these COVID security measures have been mitigated in most parts of the country, we expect to see something much closer to the typical number of cases,” he said. .. “The flu vaccine is the most important step to take to protect yourself from the serious complications of influenza and the virus.”

Influenza vaccination is a proven preventive strategy to reduce the incidence and severity of the disease, said Christine Hill, a registered nurse and Ashtabula city health commissioner.

“Last year, the influenza virus epidemic was so limited due to coronavirus precautions that this year these mitigation strategies are not always upheld and are no longer mandatory,” she said. rice field. “The timing and severity of the flu season is not always predictable, but it is not surprising that the flu virus circulation is likely to increase.”

Influenza vaccines are available for reservation on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 am to noon and from 2 pm to 3:30 pm at the Ashtabula City Health Department on Main Avenue 4717, located in the basement of the Town Hall. For reservations, please call 440-992-7123.

Clinics traditionally start vaccination in October and are vaccinated weeks before the flu season arrives.

The Ashtabula County Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic will be hosting a drive-through influenza clinic this Saturday from 8am to noon at the Ashtabula County VA Clinic in Rambroslane, 2044. You need a mask even in the car.

Veterans must be qualified for VA Healthcare in order to be vaccinated against the flu for free. Patients with Tricare for Life are not eligible.

The Ashtabula County Health Department hosts influenza vaccine clinics at the following times and locations:

• Roman Fire Department, 3162 Route 6, Thursday 1 pm-4pm, drive-through only.

• Andover United Methodist Church, 181 S. Main St., Friday 1 pm-3pm.

• Ashtabla Township Community Hall, 2718 N. Ridge Road, October 27, 2 pm-5 pm, and

• Northwest Ambulance District (NAD) 1480 S. Broadway, Geneva, October 28, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, drive-through only.

The Ashtabula County Health Department also offers walk-in influenza vaccines every Tuesday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, and every Monday and Friday by appointment. Please call 440-576-6010 to make a reservation.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. Older people, toddlers, and people in certain health conditions are at increased risk of serious flu complications.

There are two main types of influenza virus. Types A and B. Influenza A and B viruses (human influenza virus), which spread to humans on a daily basis, are the cause of the seasonal influenza pandemic every year.

According to health officials, the best way to reduce the risk of influenza and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated annually.

Franley said that both COVID and influenza are respiratory viruses, but it’s important to remember that they are different.

“The flu vaccine does not protect you from COVID, and the COVID vaccine does not protect you from flu,” he said. “I recommend that everyone be vaccinated with both, maintain hand hygiene, stay away from others, and follow current CDC and community masking recommendations.”





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