The Colorado University campus has become an island of COVID vaccines, with lowercase letters and lowercase letters than the surrounding area.
At UNC, things were in jeopardy in the fall of 2020, so it’s a reversal of fate.
“There were 111 positive cases we were dealing with in the week of November 15th last year,” said Brain Nickeson, director of the school’s pandemic response. “Part 111 was all close stakeholder and those in need of quarantine.”
This fall, there were 15 positive cases in the first 12 days of October. And now, by October 18, they have up to 40 cases, showing how difficult it is to contain the virus.
Schools require masks in most indoor environments, such as classrooms. There is a COVID-19 test on campus and tax exemption is allowed, but vaccination is required. According to Nickeson, the percentage is 85 percent for students and 91 percent for faculty and staff.
“Vaccination was the key to returning to the normal college experience that people crave,” said Nickeson, whose official position is Vice President of Administration.
So far, student grades have been fairly normal in the fall semester.
“It’s definitely working really well. I don’t think there were a lot of problems with COVID,” said freshman Tyler Collins.
The same is true on the main campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder. The student is back on campus. They fill soccer stadiums and classrooms where masks need to be worn.Vaccinations for students and staff 95 percent north,taller than 84 percent of Boulder County Of eligible residents who have received at least one dose.
“We would call us a highly vaccinated laboratory,” said CU Kristen Bjorkmann, who was the school’s COVID-19 science director for the past year.
She said the number of cases was small.For example, on October 12th Recorded school Only two cases. This is one of a population of about 36,000 students.According to Björkman, the positive test rate is generally less than 2%, often less than half that of Boulder County, where the CU is located, and is now 4.4 percent 7-day positive rate.
Last year, there were nearly 3,800 outbreaks at the university. They haven’t had any more outbreaks since it was resolved in June.Until mid-October this fall, they 93 positive cases.. total.
“It’s a pretty clear contrast,” Björkman said.
You can see the effects of the vaccine on university campuses throughout Colorado.
Last year, the incidence of COVID-19 among college students in the county was high. This year, because the students were vaccinated, it’s much lower, “it’s like a good showcase of what we can aim for,” she said. You can get it back. “
Ajay Sethi, an associate professor of artificial health sciences at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, said:
Last year, the virus overturned the University of Washington grade, but this fall is even better.
“That’s the intent of the vaccine, to prevent people from getting infected and spreading it,” he said.
But it’s more than vaccination and it’s the whole thing “Swiss cheese” According to Sethi, multi-layer protection, masking, testing and robust ventilation approaches make a difference. And despite the highly contagious delta variant.
“This is actually a collection of many different actions that help reduce the transmission of this virus on campus,” says Sethi.
CPR News investigated coronavirus infection rates at universities in Colorado and compared them to their home countries. In some cases, the same pattern applies. High vaccination and other mitigation measures correspond to low infection rates.
Lori Lynn, Managing Director of the Colorado State University Health Network, co-chairing the CSU’s Pandemic Response Team, said: She said 88% of students were vaccinated and staff numbers were slightly lower (85%).that is 75 percent Of the qualified population of Larimer County, where it is located.
Currently in Larimer County 2-week incidence of 501 This is considered high per 100,000 people. During October Recorded CSU An average of 8 new coronavirus cases per day on campus, according to the dashboard 33,000 students.. This makes the percentage per 100,000 people about one-third that of the surrounding community.
According to Lin, there is a lot of close interaction and it seems to work well on the Fort Collins campus, where people gather in dormitories and off-campus residences. And she said she would give you the idea that the state could cause a pandemic if more people were vaccinated.
“If we get a higher level of vaccination, I think it represents where we can be,” Lynn said.
Prior to vaccination (March 2020 to December 31, 2021), the State Department of Health recorded 42 COVID-19 outbreaks and nearly 8,800 cases in higher education institutions, 17 hospitalizations and 1 case. Recorded the death of.
From mid-October (January 1, 2021 to October 14, 2021), the department recorded a similar number of outbreaks (40) after the vaccination effort began earlier this year, but much less. It was a case (510), and there was no hospitalization or death.
Higher education, COVID before and after vaccination
period | The number of occurrences | Case | hospitalization | Dead (number) |
Before vaccination (March 1, 2020-December 31, 2020) | 42 | 8,787 | 17 | 1 |
After vaccination (January 1, 2021-October 14, 2021) | 40 | 510 | 0 | 0 |
And it’s not just university campuses that are enjoying the benefits.
This pattern was repeated in different places, such as the other side of the age group, home care facilities, assisted living, skilled living facilities, and hospice care.
There were slightly fewer outbreaks during the pre-vaccination period compared to post-vaccination, but cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were only a fraction of the previously seen numbers. Prior to vaccination, during recorded outbreaks, these settings recorded 24,381, 1743 hospitalizations, and 2542 deaths, followed by the number of cases (4,429), hospitalizations (165), and deaths (165) and deaths (4,429). It far exceeds 161).
Home medical care, COVID before and after vaccination
period | The number of occurrences | Case | hospitalization | Dead (number) |
Before vaccination (March 1, 2020-December 31, 2020) | 720 | 24,381 | 1,743 | 2,542 |
After vaccination (January 1, 2021-October 14, 2021) | 678 | 4,429 | 165 | 161 |
A similar story unfolded at a correctional facility in Colorado, according to the State Department of Health. In the pre-vaccination time frame, the State Health Department reported 135 outbreaks, approximately 17,000 cases, and 79 cases in facilities that ranged from federal and state prisons to prisons and law enforcement administration offices. He was hospitalized and recorded 34 deaths.
Even after vaccinations began at the beginning of the year, 98 outbreaks were seen at these facilities, but only a small percentage of cases (about 2,000), hospitalizations (10), and deaths (2). did not.
A CDPHE spokeswoman said in a CPR News statement, “Data show a clear reduction in outbreak-related cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in almost all configuration types after the deployment of the highly effective COVID-19 vaccine. It shows that. ”
Despite restrictions such as a slightly longer pre-vaccination data period compared to post-vaccination data, the timing of initial access to vaccination depends on the type and change of settings. Definition of outbreak In June, the number of confirmed or positive cases considered outbreaks increased (from 2 to 5).
Vaccinations have mitigated the effects of pandemics in Colorado restaurants and bars.
Jacqueline Bonanno, co-owner of Denver-based restaurant group Bonanno Concepts, said: And the food hall.
She said the restaurant would close if an employee was infected with COVID-19 before vaccination was available. However, when vaccinations began last spring, she and most of her staff jumped at the opportunity and the group chose to request vaccinations for about 350 employees. Most employees fired and stayed healthy. They broke up with the seven and helped them get another job.
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