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New vaccine may curb the epidemic of koala chlamydia


Currently, about 400 koalas are undergoing clinical trials for the Chlamydia vaccine in Queensland, Australia. Scientists hope that the vaccine will ultimately protect the koala population from diseases that are recognized as the most dangerous pathogens for marsupials.

Phase III clinical trials of vaccines are the culmination of many years of research. The Chlamydia epidemic in koalas has hit the population since the 1990s, especially along the east and southeast coasts of Australia.Maximum infection rate in some populations 100 percent.. Koalas receive a new single-dose jab after receiving regular hospital care and shortly before returning to the wild.

Chlamydia appears in koalas like humans. If left untreated, it can cause conjunctivitis, genital pain, secretions, and painful fluid-filled cysts. “Animals can literally cry when urinating, which hurt them so much,” said Peter Timms, a microbiologist at the University of the Sunshine Coast who is participating in the study. Parents..

Chlamydia is one of the most serious threats to koalas, so post-infection treatment alone is not enough, said Amber Gillette, veterinary and research coordinator at the Australian Zoo Wildlife Hospital. statement.. “Many koalas infected with chlamydia can be treated with conventional antibiotics, but some animals cannot be saved due to the severity of the infection. To prevent both the infection and the severity of the disease. Having a useful vaccine is an important factor in species conservation. “

Researchers will also microchip the vaccinated people and observe their fares next year and whether their vaccination will help reduce chlamydia infections in their area.

[Related: Zoo animals are getting COVID vaccines made specially for them]

“While this vaccination benefits each animal directly, the study also focuses on the protection provided by vaccination,” Tims added. With the same statement.. Chlamydia in particular is such a recurrent disease, so its protection can be important not only for individuals but also for populations.He said Parents: “Unfortunately, even 10% or even 20% of the passing animals [Australia Zoo] The Wildlife Hospital is back at the hospital. Treatment with antibiotics often causes a recurrence of chlamydia infection. “

Chlamydia puts a heavy burden on marsupials that are also dealing with the threat of fires, droughts, heat waves and habitat loss. last month, The Australian Koala Foundation said the country lost 30 percent of the remaining koalas in just three years.

Approval for widespread use of the vaccine “may help improve the population of koalas that may disappear,” Tims said. New Scientist.. He added that the vaccine mechanism may also help develop Chlamydia vaccines in humans because of the bacterial cause involved. “I think this trial will be carefully watched by the world of human chlamydia vaccines,” he said.




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