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Studies have found that using e-cigarettes to prevent the recurrence of smoking does not work well


“This is the first study to report whether smokers can switch to electronic cigarettes without recurrence of smoking,” said a research author who is a professor of home medicine and public health at the UC San Diego Institute of Public Health. John Pierce said. Weltheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science.

“Smoking is the most important thing a smoker can do to improve his health,” he said in a statement attached to the study. Of cigarettes. “

Pierce told CNN that the study did not consider the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which was designed to help people quit smoking. These treatments include patches, gums, and lozenges that contain limited amounts of nicotine.

“This treatise does not focus on attempts to quit,” Pierce said. “Is this better than those who appear to have succeeded in quitting smoking and those who have switched to an alternative source of nicotine (which is rarely a long-term use of NRT) than those who are abstinent from nicotine? Focuses on. “

Use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid

E-cigarettes are increasingly being used as a replacement for nicotine as smokers seek ways to kick their habits. E-cigarettes work by heating a pure liquid called e-juice (composed of flavors, propylene glycol, glycerin, and often nicotine) until it vaporizes.

The use of vaping for smoking cessation is now Especially popular in the UK One study found that e-cigarettes helped 50,000 to 70,000 smokers in the UK quit smoking in 2017.
Vaping is believed to have eliminated more than 7,000 chemicals in burning cigarettes and their smoke, many of which are toxic. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine.
However, their use is controversial in the United States and other countries due to warnings about potential. Long-term health effects, Probably from ingredients other than nicotine in arc juice or cartridges. NS US Surgeon President Ark may contain “ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs, fragrances such as diacetyl, chemicals associated with serious lung disease, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals such as nickel, tin and lead” It states that there is.
In addition, many studies were found Teen use teeth Direct gateway NS Traditional smoking In an era when the use of e-cigarette boys was skyrocketing.
Outbreak in 2019 Mysterious vaping-related lung disease It also caused vigilance among young Americans. As of February 2020, this condition was at least dead 68 and more than 2,807 illnesses, According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC and FDA show that more than two million US teens use e-cigarettes, a quarter of which is used daily.
One of the 18-year-old Americans who vaporized for over a year went to the hospital “Lungs like 70 years old.“”

The condition now known as EVALI (lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarettes or vaping) is strongly associated with e-cigarettes containing vitamin E acetate, a sticky oily substance that can adhere to lung tissue. I am.

About 8% more likely to recur

New research, Published in the journal JAMA Network Open on TuesdayWe analyzed data on smokers who quit smoking. The data was collected by the National Institute of Substance Abuse and the Tobacco Products Center of the Food and Drug Administration.Study by smokers Quit with the help of other forms of tobacco such as cigars, cigarillos, filtered cigars, pipes and hookahs, Smokeless products like snuffs, And any e-cigarette products. Next, the study examined recurrence rates at 2-year intervals.

“Our goal in this study is whether recent ex-smokers who switched to e-cigarettes or other tobacco products are less likely to relapse to tobacco smoking than smokers who do not smoke. It was an evaluation, “said senior author Karen Messer. Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health.

Analysis shows that 50% of former smokers who quit smoking “cold turkey” did not smoke during their second annual follow-up, but those who used other forms of tobacco, including e-cigarettes. Only 41.5% quit smoking.

“People who switched to e-cigarettes (or actually another form of cigarette) were 8.5 percentage points more likely to relapse into cigarettes,” Pierce said. on mail.

Tobacco tax hikes help curb America's most lasting epidemic

“If switching to e-cigarettes is a viable way to quit smoking, those who switch to e-cigarettes should have a much lower recurrence rate of smoking. No evidence of this was found,” he said. I did.

Additional research is needed to analyze how e-cigarette use affects long-term smoking cessation and recurrence, the authors said.

“In order for e-cigarettes to really work with long-term smoking cessation, people must succeed in getting rid of cigarettes altogether,” Pierce said. “Until now, researchers have been unable to demonstrate that smokers can do this.”

How to quit normally

The good news is that smokers successfully quit smoking. In fact, the CDC states that as of 10 years ago, there were more “former smokers than current smokers.” In the United States.

Provided by CDC Free access to non-smoking coaches, All ex-smokers who help people plan to quit smoking and provide information and access Nicotine replacement therapy and drug therapy, Social support guidance, apps, websites, tips on using text message support.





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