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Children are still infected with COVID outside of school, not in the classroom, according to British Columbia officials.


British Columbia Health Authority COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Infections in schools have declined since the first surge at the beginning of the school year.

Dr. Bonnie Henry said earlier in the school year, cases increased dramatically, especially in inland and northern health areas, but those cases began to decline.

Northern Health still has a large number of cases, which indicates that the number of cases in the community is still high.

Henry added that the increase in COVID-19 cases in September was “strongly associated with a significant increase in children’s testing,” and that the number one cause of COVID infection in children was from outside the classroom. I did.

She said last week that five children in the range of 0-4 years were admitted to the hospital BC with one child in the range of 5-11 years and one young person in the range of 12-17 years. ..

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No children have been hospitalized in the ICU.

Henry said hospitalizations were much lower in this population for people who were immunized between the ages of 12 and 17.

British Columbia Vaccination Status and COVID-19 Hospitalization Rate by Age Group

British Columbia Government

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BC ending indoor event capacity limits in most areas

Henry said she believed that school masks helped keep COVID infections low, along with increased immunization of staff between the ages of 12 and 17.

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British Columbia Health Authority Set to Offer Tuesday’s COVID-19 Update

British Columbia Health Authority Set to Offer Tuesday’s COVID-19 Update

on Monday, Pfizer Applies to Health Canada Approve COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11..

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Last month, Henry told reporters that the state was “actively preparing” and was ready to roll shots to children once approved.

Health authorities are also trying to ensure that parents have all the information they need to decide whether to immunize their child.

The Canadian Ministry of Health expects the vaccine to be approved for children for some time, and low-dose injections may not be available in Canada until late November or early December.

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Pfizer seeks Health Canada approval for COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11

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Pfizer requires Health Canada to approve vaccines for children ages 5-11

Pfizer requires Health Canada to approve vaccines for children ages 5-11

On Monday, BC reported 1,846 new cases of COVID-19 in the last three days, killing 26 people.

753 cases were reported from Friday to Saturday, 650 cases from Saturday to Sunday, and 443 cases from Sunday to Monday.

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Of the new cases, 212 were in Vancouver Coastal Health, 737 in Fraser Health, 169 in Island Health, 322 in Internal Health, and 406 in Northern Health.

The number of patients hospitalized for this disease has decreased by 7 to 360. 151 of these patients are in the intensive care unit, down one from Friday.

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Free influenza vaccination for COVID-19’s “unique situation” BC

Click to play video:'COVID-19: BC reports 1,846 new cases and 26 deaths over the weekend'

COVID-19: BC reports 1,846 new cases and 26 deaths over the weekend

COVID-19: BC reports 1,846 new cases and 26 deaths over the weekend

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COVID-19 — BC reports 26 deaths and 1,846 new cases in 3 days

There are 4,917 COVID-19 activity cases in the state. The state last reported less than 5,000 active cases on August 15.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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