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[BREAKING] COVID-19 Update: Mink Linked to Human Coronavirus Case, Dutch Authorities Screen Farm


The Netherlands Coronavirus Investigations from ongoing investigations have found individuals likely to have been caught from infected animals on all mink farms in the country.


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The Dutch government has said that mink screening for antibodies is mandatory “for the health of employees.” statement The end of Tuesday. Farm workers Coronavirus It was suggested that the strain was genetically similar to the strain that circulates mink, and the cause was animal.

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Mink farm under surveillance

Semi-aquatic carnivorous mammals are bred on over 130 Dutch farms because of their soft fur. The pandemic virus was probably first introduced by an infected person. Authorities said they are monitoring the outbreak and measuring its persistence. Marion Corps, Director of Viral Sciences at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam.

“Does it burn out on the farm? I think it’s the biggest question,” said Koopmans, who helped investigate the outbreak. Said Bloomberg. “We don’t want to be in a permanent situation.”

The outbreak began around April 19 when signs of respiratory illness were found close to each other between minks on two farms in North Brabant, near the Belgian border. according to To report On Monday, 2.4% of minks died on one farm and 1.2% on other farms by the end of the month.

Koopmans and colleagues have discovered that the new coronavirus can cause viral pneumonia in mink and spread it even though it is isolated in a cage with a sealed barrier.

Feed, bedding

Researchers argued that the virus can be transmitted indirectly through infected feed and bedding materials, infectious droplets made by sick animals, or dust from contaminated bedding.

In a study, traces of the virus were found in inhalable dust in the air of mink farms, causing “an infection between mink and the risk of occupational exposure of farm workers”.

Researchers are also investigating the role of cats roaming the farm for possible virus transmission among mink farms. Antibodies to coronavirus were detected in 3 out of 11 farms.

Authorities should keep cats away from mink farms

by DailyMail, The government has asked a contaminated mink farm to keep cats away from the property. Antibodies to COVID-19 were detected on one farm in 3 of 11 cats. Dutch police closed down two mink farms in the south last month after discovering that some animals had the coronavirus.

Researchers are currently sampling samples on both farms to identify infected animals and map the disease course for further investigation. They also took dust samples to see how far the virus spread across the farm’s territory. Investigations have been initiated to determine if the animal has been poisoned by human caretakers.

Also read: Studies show that there are three different strains of coronavirus. US suffers from original change

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