Duran Raman reveals supporter of anti-blockade movement after positive COVID on the Gold Coast
A man receiving oxygen at a Gold Coast hospital had previously expressed opposition to virus restriction after testing positive for COVID-19, which had been infected in the community for 10 days.
Durand Raman, in his thirties, called Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews “f ****** gronk” and Melbourne’s opposition to the blockade “legend.”
Queensland officials believe that Broadbeach fitness and Australian rules football enthusiast Raman is likely infected with COVID-19 in Melbourne before returning to the Gold Coast on October 10. ..
He developed symptoms the next day, but was not tested until Wednesday when he presented symptoms to the emergency department at Robina Hospital.
He was transferred to the Gold Coast University Hospital before being revealed positive on Thursday.
Queensland officials have released some potential exposures because he was ill and unable to communicate with contact tracers about his whereabouts.
“(He) is out of breath and can hardly talk to us,” said Chief Health Officer Janet Young.
“As you can imagine, he is so ill that he has difficulty communicating and remembering with us, so there is no venue at this stage.
“It’s very difficult for him. It’s also very difficult for the Gold Coast community because he can’t show you what he’s been doing.”
Raman hasn’t used QR code check-in since September, Young said.
On Monday night, Queensland Health revealed that a man’s accommodation at Island Beach Resort in Broadbeach is a casual contact exposure site for four days starting October 16.
He has not been vaccinated, has not shared a social media video condemning Andrews’ decision on COVID restrictions and saying that the leader of the opposition to the blockade should be the prime minister.
He lives alone in the unit and works as a ride-sharing driver, but Uber says he hasn’t worked for them since September 19.
Prime Minister Anastasia Parasek, who said he understood that men were receiving oxygen, said it was unclear how he could enter Queensland from Melbourne without quarantine.
A police investigation has begun at his border crossing.
New exposure site in Queensland
Saturday, October 16-Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach-12am-11.59pm-Casual Contact
Saturday, October 16-Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach-12am-11.59pm-Casual Contact
Sunday October 17-Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach-12am-11.59pm-Casual Contact
Monday, October 18-Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach-12am-11.59pm-Casual Contact
Monday, October 18-Gillie Barber in Richlands-5.10pm-6pm-Close contact
Tuesday, October 19-Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach-12am-11.59pm-Casual Contact
Tuesday, October 19-Freedom Fuels, Acacia Ridge-6.25pm-6.40pm-Casual Contact
Click to view the new exposure site here
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