Biennial mammography screening closes the gap in breast cancer mortality in the black population
The researchers compared the trade-offs of breast cancer screening strategies for black and white patients.
The use of biennial mammography in black patients with breast cancer aged 40 has helped reduce disease-related mortality, resulting in a risk / benefit ratio similar to that of white patients screened biennial between the ages of 50 and 74. (B50-74).For discoveries from research published in Annual report of internal medicine..1
Biennial screening between the ages of 45 and 74 (B45-74) seemed to be the most efficient among black patients, while screening between the ages of 40 and 74 (B40-74) was the fairest. Met. In addition, among each strategy, B40-74 had 19% more disease-related deaths avoided when using the B50-74 strategy, compared with 32% more lifespan (LYS) given. I did. However, this requires 45% more mammograms, leading to 52% more false positives.
Christina Hunter Chapman, MD, an assistant professor of radiation oncology at the University of Michigan, said in a press release:2 “But a call to end racial care for an immediate stop in racial debate is unlikely to eliminate racial inequality. Carefully selected solutions for health inequality , May include interventions tailored to a particular racial group. “
A total of nine strategies were evaluated, depending on the starting age (40, 45, 50) and interval (annual, biennial, or hybrid interval). The cohort included an American woman who was born in 1980 and turned 40 in 2020. The population has been tracked since the age of 25.
When black and white patients were screened using the B50-74 strategy, researchers reported 17.62 deaths per 100,000 black patients, compared to 14.33 white patients. However, if the B40-74 strategy is implemented, the death toll will be reduced to 1.88 per 1000 or 15.74 per 100,000. This translates into a 57% reduction in mortality racial disparity under current screening guidelines.
“Black women have a higher incidence of aggressive cancer at a younger age than white women, and treatment of these types of tumors is less effective. Factors rooted in species discrimination increase the mortality rate of black women, “said Jeanne S. Mandelbrat, Senior Author of Oncology and Medicine, Georgetown Lombardi General Cancer Center, in a press release. rice field.
Secondary findings showed that B40-74 appears to be fair and B45-74 appears to be slightly fair, given the deaths from breast cancer that avoided false positives.
“In the future, the harm of racism in medicine may be better corrected by developing interventions that use more direct means of racism instead of race. Given that racial inequality is observed throughout the socio-economic class, using only socio-economic status as a substitute for race is not appropriate for studies like ours, “Chapman concludes. I attached it.
- Use Chapman CH, Schechter CB, Cadham C, and other simulation modeling to identify fair screening mammography strategies for black women in the United States. Intern Med.. 2021; 174: xxx-xxx. doi: 10.7326 / M20-6506
- Starting mammography at the age of 40 narrows the mortality gap among black women. news release. Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. October 18, 2021. Accessed on October 19, 2021. https: //
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