Can ADHD cause suicidal ideation?
![Can ADHD cause suicidal ideation? Can ADHD cause suicidal ideation?](
People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have a higher rate of suicidal ideation than those without ADHD. Experts do not fully understand the link, but it may be due in part to ADHD’s high co-occurrence rate with other mental illnesses.
2021 study that works with
It is important to note that the findings may not be generalized to other populations as all participants were Chinese medicine students.However, other studies suggest that certain behaviors that are common to people with ADHD, such as impulsivity, may be possible.
More research is needed, but experts Various ADHD subtypes It may be related to various suicidal behaviors.
Understanding that ADHD can be a risk factor for suicidal ideation is an important part of preventing suicide deaths. Therefore, people with ADHD, close friends and family, and healthcare professionals should all be aware of potential signs and behavioral changes.
Continue reading to learn about the link between ADHD and the most endangered suicides, and how to identify and manage suicidal ideation.
Studies have shown that people with ADHD have a higher rate of suicidal ideation and suicide planning and attempts.For example, in a 2021 study of medical students, mainly careless types of students
However, this does not mean that all people with ADHD have suicidal ideation. Instead, having ADHD shows that individuals are more likely to have these ideas. The reason is not fully understood, but experts believe it is a combination of co-occurrence and ADHD itself.
People with ADHD
This may explain some of the links, but the 2021 study above suggests that ADHD may also be an independent factor in suicidal ideation.
The researchers behind the study believe that people with different types of ADHD experience suicidal ideation in different ways. For example, when controlling other variables, they found no correlation between suicidal ideation and predominantly hyperactive forms. However, when I did this for other types of ADHD, I found that there was a correlation.
This mainly means that people with carelessness or complex ADHD are more likely to experience suicidal ideation.
Experience Suicidal ideation Although sometimes scary, treatments that include both medication and treatment help people manage them.
The medicines your doctor prescribes will depend on your ADHD and your comorbidities,
Doctors may also encourage suicidal ideation to be considered Treatment.. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy, When Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) It can help people manage their thoughts.
In the short term, the following strategies May be useful:
- Get rid of everything that facilitates suicide: Guns, weapons, and certain medications are dangerous to people with poor impulse control.
- Tell close friends and family: These individuals can help a person manage during difficult times.
- Calling the Suicide Prevention Hotline: People can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.
- Recall that suicidal ideation is often temporary. If one can promise to avoid acting on their emotions 24 hours a day, they may find that their emotions are gone.
- Avoid being alone: It’s best to call friends and family or go out in public.
- Call 911 in a crisis situation: It is imperative to seek urgent help for those at immediate risk.
People who are experiencing persistent suicidal ideation, thoughts, or urges should contact their doctor for prompt treatment.
Study of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Ideation in People with ADHD
Simultaneous mental health conditions such as depression and schizophrenia can increase the risk of suicide. Certain ADHD symptoms and behaviors can also increase a person’s risk.
Studies show that people of the type combined with the attentive type of ADHD
according to
- People living in western states such as Nevada, Montana, and Utah
- Male, but
A few Studies on suicide in people with ADHD found no gender or gender differences - Who has access to the gun
Some warning signs of suicide include:
- Talking about suicide or wanting to die
- Substance of abuse
- Talking about feelings of despair or confinement
- Feels like a burden on others
- Withdrawal from others
- Express anger, excitement, restlessness
- Have a fantasy of revenge
- Experience extreme mood changes
- I find it difficult to deal with sudden trauma such as loss of relationships
Anyone who is experiencing suicidal ideation or is aware of someone else’s warning sign should seek medical assistance.
Anyone experiencing suicidal ideation should contact a mental health professional or doctor. If they are at stake, they need to go to the nearest emergency department or call 911.
Anyone who finds someone else showing suicidal ideation or behavior should seek help. People do not threaten suicide to get their attention, and it is not helpful to be ashamed or to minimize emotions.
Instead, people Can help by:
- Offer to be with people
- Help them access care
- Tell people that they are there to talk
- Help them remove weapons from their home
- Contact close friends and loved ones
- Invite to go out
- Contact the suicide hotline for additional help
Suicidal ideation can occur suddenly or slowly over weeks. They are always serious and can be life-threatening.
People with ADHD are more likely to experience suicidal ideation than others. The link is not fully understood, but it may be related to concomitant mental health conditions and certain ADHD symptoms.
Those who are experiencing suicidal ideation should seek treatment. Available at 800-273-8255, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can help both individuals and people nearby.
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