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“Delta Plus” AY.4.2 Coronavirus mutants are emerging in the UK


  • Experts are monitoring the coronavirus mutant AY.4.2, which is currently widespread in the United Kingdom
  • According to the latest Official data, AY.4.2, also known as “Delta Plus”, has been identified in about 6% of UK cases.
  • There may be early evidence that it is more infectious, but more data is needed.

The coronavirus has spread around the world over the last two years and continues to mutate and change.

The newest variant of coronavirus of concern is a derivative of the delta variant called AY.4.2.

It is now widespread in the UK and has confirmed its presence in the United States, health officials said at the White House. briefing..

“A variant is a change to a randomly occurring virus.” Dr. Eric Shioe PenhaNorthwell Health’s Global Health Director in New Hyde Park, New York, told Healthline. “When they give the virus the benefit of replication, they dominate.”

According to the latest official data, AY.4.2, also known as “Delta Plus”, 6 percent Of the incident in the UK.

According to the data, AY.4.2 can be infected 10% more than the most common UK Delta variant, AY.4. François Burrow, PhD, Director of University College London Genetics Institute, Posted by Social media..

NS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The delta variant is said to be highly contagious and more resistant to treatment than the original variant.

With a 10% increase, the new variant may be the most infectious ever.

However, experts say that high infectivity does not necessarily increase the cause of concern.

“Well, contagiousness doesn’t mean more dangerous,” he said. Dr. Ren Horowitz, Physician and pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York. “It doesn’t mean it’s more toxic.”

He explained that what it means is that the virus has a short incubation period, so it can spread faster and spread more easily than those that require a longer incubation period.

“Infectiousness is not equal to pathogenicity,” he emphasized. “Therefore, I don’t know if these cases will be more serious.”

Horovitz confirmed that the DeltaPlus variant is unlikely to evade all vaccine-related immunity.

“It’s pretty obvious [it] More variations will be needed, “he said. “Before avoiding the vaccine, there are many more mutations in this virus, so that’s not a particular concern.”

The potential infectivity of the variant means that a significant increase in cases can be seen, which can lead to an increase in the number of people with serious illness.

“The more cases we have, the more likely we are to have complications and the more likely we are to be hospitalized,” Horowitz said. “But again, the vaccine protects against hospitalization and death.”

He doesn’t expect much to change, but added that “more cases, more downtime, more people’s isolation, or confusion can occur.”

Experts say that not only is the current COVID-19 vaccine still very effective, but our immune system may be more strongly stimulated by vaccination than we think.

“There is more memory in memory B cells and memory T cells in the bone marrow than in examining and measuring peripheral antibodies,” says Horovitz.

But this doesn’t mean that booster shots aren’t important.

“We’ve all been working on boosters, we need to work on boosters because it’s set up for us,” Horowitz said. “And boosters, these vaccines will cover the mutations we’ve seen so far.”

He also said that the virus must have “more” mutations before worrying that the vaccine may need to be changed accordingly.

Cioe-Peña said vaccination of all adults is more important than boosters, which may help prevent surges.

According to Cioe-Peña, this needs to be done through education, incentives, and obligations.

“Vaccination of children between the ages of 5 and 11 can be very helpful, but the important thing is to vaccinate adults who have not yet been vaccinated,” he said. “If the United States does not vaccinate the entire population, this problem will not go away.”

However, Cioe-Peña added that AY.4.2 does not appear to be much more threatening than the Delta variant at this time.

“But Delta is such a serious threat that it’s hard to imagine a more infectious variant,” he said.

A variant of the delta variant, a coronavirus variant called AY.4.2, has been identified in the United Kingdom and may be more infectious than delta.

Experts say that high infectivity does not mean that the risk is high, and that current vaccines are very effective against the variants currently in circulation.

They also say that vaccination of all is the best way to protect against COVID-19, and without universal vaccination, the pandemic would not end.





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