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How to deal with hand-foot syndrome


In recent years, the outlook for many types of cancer has improved primarily through improved treatments.

Chemotherapy is a commonly used treatment for the treatment of cancer. The chemicals contained in these drugs prevent the replication of cancer cells, but they can also cause side effects.

Hand-foot syndrome is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy that affects the skin. Although not considered life-threatening, it can cause swelling, numbness, pain and serious impact on quality of life.

Continue reading to learn why hand-foot syndrome can develop after chemotherapy treatment and what you can do to manage it.

Hand-foot syndrome is also referred to as the medical name for hand-foot syndrome, hand-foot syndrome, and hand-foot syndrome.

It’s redness, pain, and Swelling of the palm And the soles of your feet.It’s some side effects Chemotherapy drug Targeted therapy.

Hand-foot syndrome can start anywhere 24 hours to 10 months After starting treatment.

Symptoms tend to begin in the palm of the hand before affecting the feet. People with dark skin may have hyperpigmented skin spots instead of redness.

Other potential symptoms that may affect the limbs are:

Rarely, people with hand-foot syndrome have symptoms on other parts of the body, such as the knees and elbows.

The more severe limb symptoms are:

  • Slow wound healing
  • Claws to lift from bed
  • Problems with walking and using hands
  • Severe pain
  • pain
  • Cracks and peeling of the skin

Some people with hand-foot syndrome can lose their fingerprints and the quality of their fingerprints, which can cause problems in identifying individuals.

Chemotherapy drugs contain chemicals that kill cancer cells. These chemicals can also damage healthy cells in the body, especially cells that replicate rapidly, such as skin cells, blood cells, and cells in hair follicles. Damage to these cells Side effects..

The exact method by which hand-foot syndrome develops is not well understood, but it occurs when chemicals in the drug leak from small blood vessels into the tissues of the limbs. It is believed that different classes of chemotherapeutic agents can cause tissue damage in slightly different ways.

On the soles and palms of the feet are beds of small blood vessels called capillaries. Leakage of chemotherapeutic drugs from these blood vessels can damage surrounding cells. Skin cells in the palms and soles of the feet tend to divide faster than other parts of the skin, making them more susceptible to chemotherapeutic damage.

Eccrine sweat glands are also concentrated on the legs. Some chemotherapeutic drugs can accumulate in these glands.

For the chemotherapeutic drug capecitabine, Some scientists Think of the high levels of enzymes that break down drugs in your feet, which can cause high levels of toxic substances to accumulate in these parts of your body.

Hand-foot syndrome Very common Side effects of skin chemotherapy, and Hair loss When stomatitis.. Research report 5-62% of patients treated with sorafenib or sunitinib develop hand-foot syndrome, and about 6-8% have serious symptoms.

Some chemotherapeutic drugs are more likely to cause hand-foot syndrome than others. The most common drugs that cause hand-foot syndrome are:

  • 5-Fluorouracil (Adrucil)
  • Capecitabine (Xeloda)
  • Doxorubicin (adriamycin, doxil)
  • Ixavepyron (Ixempra)

The development of hand-foot syndrome tends to be dose-related, and the higher the dose of chemotherapy, the more likely it is. Other personal factors that may increase your risk of developing hand-foot syndrome include:

Hand-foot syndrome is not a life-threatening condition, but it can be very painful and have a serious impact on quality of life.

Symptoms usually disappear after chemotherapy treatment is complete. However, after treatment, the body will heal spontaneously and the symptoms may last for a short time.

If the wound or wound is open, you may develop an infection. If you experience, you should contact your doctor:

  • Heat above 100.4 ° F (38 ° C)
  • cold
  • Exacerbation of symptoms such as pain and redness
  • Skin that feels hot or warm to the touch
  • Yellow or green drainage
  • bleeding
  • There is a foul odor from the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands
  • Other new symptoms you are concerned about

Hand-foot syndrome is characterized by redness, pain, and swelling of the palms and soles of the feet caused by chemotherapeutic drugs and other anticancer drugs.

Hand-foot syndrome can cause severe discomfort in some people, but it is not considered a life-threatening condition.

If you are experiencing hand-foot syndrome or other complications after chemotherapy, it is advisable to consult your doctor about the best way to manage your symptoms. Some home remedies may provide some relief.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend reducing your chemotherapy dose.





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