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COVID-19: Mandatory staff vaccination policy introduced in Kelowna, but not in Vernon


The city of Kelowna announced on Friday morning that all city officials need to be vaccinated. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) By December 13, but the city of Vernon said it would not follow at this time.

Kelowna has joined the ever-growing list of municipalities, including Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Kamloops, and is implementing immunization policy certification as a condition of employment.

“Before announcing the policy today, it took some time to discuss with staff the rationale and importance of implementing the COVID-19 vaccination policy,” said Mayor Doug Gilchrist.

Kelowna Mayor Colin Baslan said, “Required staff to be vaccinated is an administrative decision, but it is a parliament and supports it as another way to limit the spread of the virus between staff and the general public. I’m doing it. “

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The city said in a statement that cases of COVID-19 in Central Okanagan declined from its peak in August, but regional hospitals continue to have high levels of hospitalization, critical care cases, and deaths. rice field.

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British Columbia health officials say everyone needs to comply with vaccine card rules

British Columbia health officials say everyone needs to comply with vaccine card rules

“Employees with a certified medical condition, religious or other protected human rights basis for not being vaccinated, may be eligible for accommodation,” the city said.

Meanwhile, the city of Vernon said staff had no compulsory vaccination policy.

“The city continues to comply with all orders and directives of state health officials, senior government levels, and WorkSafe BC in responding to the COVID-19 virus,” city spokesman Christy Poirer said in an email to Global News. Stated.

Safety precautions include plexiglass shields, mask obligations, physical distance indicators, posted safety information, and hand-washing stations, she said.

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“Staff are highly encouraged to be vaccinated and follow all guidance and instructions from the PHO and Interior Health Authority,” Poirer added.

The city of Pentikton said the general public could expect an announcement on workplace vaccination policy next week.

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Okanagan Board of Education Discusses Staff Vaccination Obligations

Okanagan Board of Education Discusses Staff Vaccination Obligations

In Vancouver, all workers must be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 by December 6th. Otherwise, you will not be allowed access to the workplace.

The only exception is employees who require tax exemption for medical or protected legal grounds, the city said.

This policy aims to limit the effects of COVID-19 and is consistent with recommendations from Dr. Bonnie Henry, a state health officer for large employers to implement their vaccine obligations. It states.

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These cities are on the growing list of employers demanding immunity from civil servants, including 30,000 employees at the British Columbia Public Services Agency.

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Prepare for an increase in staff shortages in long-term care facilities due to mandatory new vaccines

Preparing for an increasing staff shortage in long-term care facilities following the mandatory new vaccine – October 12, 2021

As of October 12, visitors to long-term care facilities are required to show a vaccine card, and on October 26, All British Columbia Healthcare Workers Visitors to acute care facilities are also required to present proof of vaccine, with certain exceptions to palliative and end-of-life care.

BC Proof of vaccination policy For non-essential businesses and events, patrons must be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 by Monday, October 24th.

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