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ACT records 24 new cases of COVID-19 as the first weekend of retail restriction relaxation begins


ACT recorded 24 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 as Canberras began their first weekend since the retail store was allowed to reopen.

Nineteen patients, including 12 in the intensive care unit, are infected with the virus, four of whom require ventilation.

ACT currently has 400 active cases.

Of the Canberra people over the age of 12, 85.9 percent are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Health officials said 1,445 negative test results were recorded between 24 hours and 9 am today.

“Big positive feeling”

Allison Kay from Dymocks Canberra
Alison Kay, co-owner of the Canberra Center’s Dynacks store, encouraged people to shop locally.(((ABC News)

Retailers have experienced the first weekend of face-to-face transactions since the blockade began on August 12.

Earlier this week, the ACT government announced that it would lift retailers’ restrictions and allow them to resume on Friday under capacity restrictions.

One person per 4 square meters is allowed on the premises and you must use the Check In CBR app and always wear a mask.

On Friday afternoon, people were lined up outside stores like IKEA and Bunnings as they had the opportunity to shop directly for the first time in 10 weeks.

Grahamcat, CEO of Canberra Business Chamber, said it was almost a positive first day for businesses across the capital.

“There’s a very positive feeling there. Everyone we’re talking about is lively and everyone is excited,” Cat said.

Cat said he focused on encouraging Canberra people to support local businesses, but said that even that effort might not be enough for some.

“Unfortunately, for some people [it’s] Bittersweet days … The result of the blockades of the last eight or nine weeks was a difficult decision that they may not be in a position to continue, “he said.

Alison Kay, co-owner of Dimocks at the Canberra Center, said he was excited to reopen.

Kay said he saw a “steady flow” of customers, but wasn’t overwhelmed yet, and some other shopkeepers chose not to reopen.

It has been operated with a click-and-collect model since late August, and it was “really difficult”.

“It wasn’t a way to run a business, it was a big relief because we didn’t have enough money for it,” she said.

She called on Canberrans to “support local businesses.”

“Whether it’s a cafe or a retailer like us, they need to help us all get back on track and make up for those lost months we didn’t make money. There is, “she said.

She also urged people to finish their Christmas shopping early.

Bison Brian Tanks
Brian Tanks reopened Pialligo’s nursery Bison on Friday, but will not open the Braddon store until October 29th.(((supply)

Some gradual resumption

The reopening was a happy moment for Brian Tanks, who runs three stores in Canberra, including Pialligo’s Bison, but it wasn’t without some concerns.

“To be honest, I say I was pretty nervous. I didn’t want it to be a huge number of people … it goes against the premise that it even resumes,” Tunks said. Said.

But he said Pialligo customers follow the rules of social distance.

“People were happy to be able to go out and talk to you,” he said.

“I can say that people were really happy to go out … it was actually very moving.”

They have reopened two stores, but Tunks said the Braddon store still can’t do the same.

The decision to relax the restrictions was made within a week of the reopening date, he said he was not ready to open the door and some electrical work was still underway.

He said the Braddon store will open on October 29th. This is the first day of retail resumption and is shown in the roadmap from the ACT government blockade.

“You can’t line up all the ducks in a few days,” he said.





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