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Eat to Defeat Cancer | Rome Daily Sentinel


Are we all worried about getting cancer?

Is it affecting people close to you?

My mother survived breast cancer twice. Two friends died of ovarian cancer. Another very young friend is fighting a rare blood cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the lifetime risk of cancer in the United States is one-third.

The good news is: Choosing healthier foods, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying active can prevent more than half of all cancer deaths. It sounds very easy, but in reality, the small choices we make every day make a big difference in the chances of repelling cancer.

Here are some very practical ways to help prevent cancer.

1. Eat more plant-based foods. I don’t think it’s necessary to cut the meat completely, but when planning your diet, add vegetables and fruits or bring it as a treat.

2. Select fish and chicken most often and less frequently processed meats (bacon, sausages, hot dogs, deli meats). Infrequent does not mean that it is never, but that it is infrequent.

3. For snacks, choose some fruits, vegetables, or nuts and seeds instead of chips, pretzels, cookies and candies. This also helps reduce the intake of salty foods.

4. A recent nutritional trend is to choose more whole raw foods. However, these buzzwords can be confusing, as almost all foods are processed to some extent. It does not mean that you do not eat canned or frozen foods. That means you don’t fix the food out of the box, you make it yourself from scratch.

5. Choose food over supplements. If you think you don’t have enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, I still believe in taking multivitamins (and most of us don’t). But at the same time, I think we must prioritize a healthy diet. Cheeseburgers with french fries do not contain all the nutrients we need on a daily basis. Can I use fruit cups or add vegetable sides instead of french fries?

6. Consider the scale. According to the American Cancer Society, a body mass index of 30 or higher is associated with at least 13 types of cancer. Make it your mission to exercise and lose weight to bring your BMI closer to 25. Most diets require good choices to lose weight. If you haven’t eaten a salad for a while, choose a salad to make your dressing easier.

The bottom line is that you can help prevent cancer in your life. It’s all summarized in those daily choices.

Q & A

NS: Can Real Weight Loss Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk?

NS: For women over 50 who can lose even a little weight. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in December 2019 analyzed 10-year data from more than 180,000 women over the age of 50 and conducted two 5-year follow-ups.

Researchers have found that if weight loss persists for a long period of time, even a small amount of weight loss reduces the risk of breast cancer. Women who lost up to £ 10 were 13% less risky, and women who lost more than £ 20 were 26% less risky.

NS: What is the best diet after being diagnosed with breast cancer?

NS: It is advisable to consider a diabetic risk reduction diet. In a study presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in December 2020, women with stage 1 to stage 3 breast cancer who chose a diabetic diet improved survival. Called a diabetes risk reduction diet, it included high intakes of foods such as nuts, coffee, and whole fruits, and low intakes of sweet drinks, transfat, and lean meats.

Data from women with stage 1 to 3 breast cancer, who were followed up for 16 years, found that women with high adherence had a 33% and 17% reduction in the risk of all causes of diabetes-related death.

Charlin Fergo is a Hy-Vee registered dietitian in Springfield, Illinois and media representative of the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition, Illinois.

Contact her at charfarg @ for comments and questions.

Copyright 2021

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