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Boulder residents helped drive to eradicate polio

Boulder residents helped drive to eradicate polio


In 1955, Boulder’s teacher lined up first and second graders for the first injection of polio vaccine. More than 94% of parents signed the consent form, and it seems that there was no discussion.

Boulder’s freshman Bruce Menck received a soak polio vaccine from Dr. Roy E. Wolf on April 26, 1955. (Photo of camera file)

The same scenario was done nationwide. There was no obligation to vaccinate, but there was a lot of encouragement to get rid of the catastrophic viral illnesses that primarily affected children.

Even the children were immunized at once. When interviewed by a newspaper reporter at the time, a boy said he was thinking “really good” and added that the shot wouldn’t bother him at all.

Polio wasn’t new in the 1950s, but the national epidemic of 1952 increased the need for vaccines. The following year, medical researcher Jonas Salk became a well-known public figure behind the development of the vaccine. Eventually, doctors and medical societies began administering soak vaccines nationwide.

The Boulder County Medical Society has used incentives to vaccinate residents. They weren’t free, but private doctors offered adults and children $ 2 per shot (almost $ 19 today) and the whole family $ 5 ($ 47 today) shots. The camera contributed to a grassroots promotion campaign by having a large family take pictures and publish them in newspapers.

Camera also interviewed Dr. George Maxwell, President of the Medical Society. “Even a single shot can greatly improve a person’s defenses against illness,” said the doctor, who said the newly developed soak vaccine provided hope, but only if many received it in time. increase.

Dr. Maxwell’s goal was to immunize all Boulder men, women and children, but he claimed success when 75% of the city’s population was reported to have been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the March of Dimes provided financial assistance to those already suffering. The mother’s march from house to house made the most contributions. Boulder residents wishing to donate were instructed to keep the porch lights on.

Other volunteers cruised the town on a sound truck and sounded a recording of the urgent need for vaccination. Milkman delivered the leaflet with a bottle of milk. In addition, 500 merchants taped posters to the store windows and the clerk was instructed to ask the customer if they had received the shot. They also offered a March of Dimes coin box at the cash register.

A few years later, Dr. Albert Sabin developed the first oral polio vaccine given in Boulder in 1961. Unlike the sark vaccine, the sabin vaccine (a series of three doses) prevented the recipient from carrying poliovirus. Liquids from either droppers or sugar cubes were recommended for everyone over 3 months.

Dr. Maxwell told the population that he was “responsible for helping make Boulder a safe community.” In 1962, Mayor John P. Hollowway of Boulder signed the Mayor’s Polio Declaration to “clean up polio in our area” with a series of oral vaccines.

Similar efforts spread nationwide until polio was eradicated in all cities and towns. Thanks to our predecessor, there have been no cases of polio in the United States since 1979.

Sylvia Pettem writes about the history of Boulder County. She can be contacted at [email protected]. She and Carol Taylor alternate between the “In Retrospect” history columns.




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