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Is the Covid vaccine safe for pregnant women?


Experts warn: Pregnant The woman is turned back COVID Vaccine clinic with confusion about whether jabs are safe for them.

It comes after the data from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG) has shown that only 15 percent of pregnant women in the UK are fully vaccinated.

The number of pregnant women dying from Covid-19 is also increasing, according to data from the Oxford University MBRRACE-UK study. Between July and September 2021, at least 13 pregnant women died from the virus, compared to 9 in the first wave of the pandemic and 11 in the second wave.

Professor Marian Knight, who leads the program, Said GuardianThe disparate messages throughout medical services have led women to “get away from the clinic”.

Some NHS trusts offer the Covid vaccine as part of their obstetric services, but “there are still barriers because it’s not universal,” she added.

RCOG President Edward Morris warns that 98% of pregnant women admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment related to Covid-19 this year are unvaccinated, and will do so to those who have not yet accepted the jab. Prompted.

However, previous medical advice, which is now obsolete, warns against giving pregnant women the Covid vaccine, and conflicting advice from medical professionals has caused confusion and hesitation among this group. rice field.

So what’s your current advice for pregnant women? Also, is the Covid vaccine safe?

What does the NHS say?

A spokesperson for the NHS said pregnant women should not leave the vaccination clinic, adding: Open all year round from 7am to 11pm.

“The NHS advises midwifery staff to provide the information needed to make the right decisions for pregnant women and their babies. If you are pregnant and have concerns, go ahead. Discuss with a medical professional. “

Earlier this month, Jenny Hughes, chief midwife in the southeastern region of the NHS England and Improvement, said: When infected with Covid-19, women are terribly ill. This gives an exact reason why it is advisable to get vaccinated as soon as possible. “

Is there any scientific evidence that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women?

The Covid-19 vaccine is recommended at any stage of pregnancy, and booster immunization is recommended by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) for all eligible pregnant women.

Although safety data for Covid jabs during pregnancy remain limited, studies have shown that infection with the virus increases the risk to pregnant women compared to vaccination.

One study Published on New England Journal of Medicine We showed that there was no evidence of an increased risk of first trimester miscarriage after vaccination.

“Pregnant women with Covid-19 are at increased risk of adverse consequences, so Covid-19 is recommended during pregnancy,” said the author of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Another study, which examined data from a small group of participants devised during the study, found that AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine did not adversely affect pregnancy or childbirth.

Analysis of results, Was announced in Lancet, The rate of miscarriage was found to be about the same between those who received the vaccine and those who received the placebo.

Births and newborn deaths have not yet been recorded, and births did not appear to be affected by the jab.

“As the availability of false information that continues to affect vaccine intake increases, these data, along with published data on mRNA vaccines, provide evidence to assist women in making vaccination decisions. You can, “mainly says the author of Oxford University.

However, the NHS recommends that pregnant women be vaccinated with the Pfizer or Modernacovid vaccine because “it is widely used during pregnancy in other countries and no safety concerns have been identified.” I am.

What if I am pregnant and infected with Covid-19?

Experts warn that pregnant women infected with Covid-19 can have “serious consequences” for both themselves and their babies.

Gill Walton, CEO of the Royal College of Midwives, said women in late pregnancy are at particular risk.

“”[Having Covid-19] You can double the chance of stillbirth and triple the chance of premature birth. This can have long-term health effects on the baby, “she said.

“Vaccines are a safe and effective way to prevent this, and we know that hundreds of thousands of pregnant women around the world are vaccinated without adverse effects.”

One study suggested that the delta variant of Covid-19 is particularly dangerous for pregnant women.

the studyA high proportion of pregnant women dying from delta variants was observed, “especially in underserved pregnant populations with low vaccine acceptance,” conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. I did.




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