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How do you talk about it when the pandemic is phased out?


CDC model Daily COVID-19 cases nationwide are projected to decline by approximately 20% by November 13. Probably an early sign of the beginning of the end of the pandemic level condition of COVID-19.

The 7-day average of COVID-19 cases is Decline According to CDC data, it has reached 73,079 as of October 22 for the fifth straight week.

After living for 19 months in a pandemic world, other terms that describe the spread of the virus appear to be mostly misunderstood. As the number of new infections continues to decline and terms other than “pandemic” enter the glossary used to describe COVID-19, what they mean and what the reduction in virus spread looks like. Let’s see if.


CDC Define A pandemic as “an event where the disease spreads to multiple countries and affects many people.” No country was left untouched when COVID-19 began to spread outside Wuhan, China, where the new SARS-CoV-2 virus first appeared. Currently, more than 244.6 million cases have been identified worldwide. data From the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University.

The term does not necessarily convey information about the severity of the disease, but if growth is widespread and exponential, the disease is declared pandemic. For COVID-19 declaration I came from the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020.In the United States, a national emergency declaration We were late for the announcement of the pandemic on March 13.

Travel bans, stay-at-home orders, extensive masking and other precautions that characterize COVID-19’s pandemic level status were immediately followed.

Globally, as of October 26, more than 4.9 million people died from COVID-19, including more than 738,000 deaths in the United States.

Public health officials have pointed to increased vaccination coverage as an exit route from coronavirus pandemic-level conditions, avoiding the emergence of new variants.


The outbreak was epidemic when COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China, and its spread was limited.

The occurrence of an epidemic level refers to the sudden increase in the number of cases within a geographical area. When the outbreak of COVID-19 crossed the border, it rose pandemic from the epidemic.

In the United States, historic epidemics include measles and polio outbreaks. By the time he was 15 years old in the decades prior to the availability of the vaccine in 1963, almost all children across the country had measles.

The term is also used to describe outbreaks related to health-related behaviors rather than the spread of the disease. For example, smoking is often referred to as an epidemic in certain areas of high smoking prevalence.

The term “epidemic” is not used to describe COVID-19, even if the infection rate declines in the United States due to the global outbreak of COVID-19. Thus, countries or regions that continue to experience their own outbreaks or epidemics collectively constitute a pandemic.


Health authorities Said COVID-19 is always present. The virus may not be completely extinguished, but may always be in the background and circulate at a manageable rate like the flu.

As the CDC says, Endemic “A constant presence and / or normal prevalence of a disease or infectious agent within a geographic area.”

Moving to the endemic level stage is largely seen as a sign of success for COVID-19 in the United States. This is because it means a transition from a pandemic emergency mode with high hospitalization rates and lack of medical resources.

“This is more chronic than the urgent and huge pandemic problem we used to have,” said Dr. Mangara Narasinhan, a New Hyde Park-based emergency respiratory pulmonologist and director of critical services. I think it’s a problem. ” Northwell Health, Said Of the latest COVID-19 surge.

In New York City, COVID-19 Move It is beginning to develop for endemic disease, and the number of confirmed cases reported at delta surge heights in late summer and early fall of this year is about one-third of last year’s surge peak. Epidemiologists and doctors told the Wall Street Journal that the city’s high immunization rates and potential immunity to infections during previous waves are likely to be the reasons why COVID-19 has become a much more manageable issue. Said.

“The expectation that COVID-19 will become endemic essentially means that the pandemic does not end with the disappearance of the virus. Instead, a sufficient number of people gain immunoprotection from vaccination and natural infections. However, despite fewer infections and continued circulation of the virus, there are far fewer COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths. ” Said Yonatan Grad, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Boston-based Harvard University TH Chan School of Public Health.





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