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Cases of Covid-19 are reduced by 60% from the delta peak.Still, be wary of the winter, says the CDC director | Medicine


Fees COVID-19 Hospitalizations and mortality have decreased significantly in the United States since the waves caused by the highly contagious delta mutant peaked in September.

But in cases where it is still relatively expensive Many children are not yet qualified It’s not time to feel comfortable about the location of the country, to get vaccinated, and because of the colder weather, said top health experts.

“We’re heading in the right direction now … but with so many cases, we must stay vigilant towards the colder, drier winter months,” said US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Administration Center, said. Wednesday’s White House Coronavirus Briefing.

The predominance of Delta variants has led to a surge in cases, hospitalizations and deaths since early summer, but now all three have declined.

The United States recorded an average of 69,011 new cases per day last week. It is said that it has decreased by about 60% from the peak (127,531) of the delta drive wave that reached in mid-September. Johns Hopkins University data.

The average is also well below the country’s all-time high, which exceeded 251,800 daily in mid-January, amid the newly restricted winter surge in vaccine deployment.

The current decline and months of vaccination have sparked speculation as to whether the country has already endured the worst epidemics of the virus.

Former United States Commissioner of Food and Drugs Dr. Scott Gottlieb Said before The delta-led wave can be the last major wave of infection, partly due to vaccination, except for new variants that penetrate immunity from vaccination and previous infections.

He did not say that the numbers would not increase again, but emphasized that they might not be as high as in the delta wave without the emergence of new dangerous varieties. He said the virus could settle into a more seasonal pattern, including an increase in winter, as colder, dry air could help spread the virus.

Even Gottlieb, a member of Pfizer’s board of directors, said higher vaccination rates were needed to ensure prevention of another delta-type wave (probably 80-85% total for adults). Currently, about 69% of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated. According to the CDC..

Other experts are more cautious about whether the United States has seen the biggest wave.

When explaining Wednesday, why schools from kindergarten to high school shouldn’t go against the CDC’s recommendations for everyone in these buildings Wear a mask regardless of vaccination status, Medical school officials pointed out what happened when the whole country relaxed Mask’s attitude.

Dr. Licina Bisset McCain, Deputy Director of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Wednesday.

“We decided that vaccinated people didn’t need to wear masks, so everyone wasn’t wearing masks, followed by spikes and delta waves,” said Bisset McCain.

About hospitalization: The number of Covid-19 patients in US hospitals (51,541 as of Wednesday) has fallen by 50.4% from the peak of the delta wave that reached September, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

According to Johns Hopkins, the United States has killed an average of 1,369 Covid-19 people a day in the past week as of Wednesday. This is generally reduced as the Delta-powered surge peaked at 2,092 on September 22nd.

Most parents do not plan to vaccinate their infants immediately, polls find

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that children should be vaccinated as soon as possible, even if the Covid-19 case rate is declining.

“All you need to do is go to a children’s hospital across the country, especially with the Delta variant, which is much more likely to get infected, and you will find that more children are infected,” he said. Fauci, director of the National Institute, said. Allergies and infectious diseases told CNN.

Vaccine eligibility may soon be extended to ages 5-11.Food and Drug Administration Advisory Board Voted last week We recommend an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for that age group.

The FDA is expected to quickly decide whether to accept the recommendation, and the CDC’s vaccine advisors will meet next week to discuss whether authorities should recommend vaccines of those ages.

However, according to a study released Thursday, many parents say they will not vaccinate their young children immediately. Kaiser Family Foundation..

Only 27% of parents of children aged 5 to 11 said they would be vaccinated against the virus as soon as the vaccine became available.

I have that number It has remained almost the same since July, Even if there is evidence The Pfizer vaccine should be safe and effective for these infants. The vaccine has already been approved for children over the age of 12 and teens.

According to Kaiser, an additional 33% said they would wait for the vaccine to work before vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years. The group surveyed more than 1,500 US adults from October 14th to 24th.

Approximately 76% of those surveyed said they were “very” or “slightly” concerned about long-term side effects, and 71% said they were concerned about serious side effects.

Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Vaccine Development Center at the Texas Children’s Hospital, said Covid-19 is a “very bad actor” even for these young children, so children aged 5 to 11 need a vaccine. Said that.

Hotez said scientists need to pay attention to rare safety concerns. Very few cases of heart inflammation, such as myocarditis, have been reported among older children vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. Pfizer had no safety concerns in young children, but the trial was large enough to detect rare cases of vaccine-related myocardial inflammation in about 2,000 children. He said it may not have been.

The incidence of myocarditis with Covid-19 is “much higher,” said Hotez, who poses a much greater risk.

Poll: 43% say they have returned to pre-pandemic activity

As the delta wave weakens, many Americans say they have almost returned to pre-pandemic activity.

About 43% of respondents say they have basically returned to their normal pre-pandemic behavior. Kaiser Family Foundation Opinion poll released on Thursday.

According to the Foundation, about 6% said they had never actually changed their level of activity, and another 35% said they had returned to “doing some, if not all,” of their pre-pandemic activity.

Fauci previously said that the case rate should drop to about 10,000 daily before the restrictions are lifted. He told CNN on Wednesday that it was too early to give up the mask, especially at school.

“Currently, the dynamics of infection are about 70,000 on average per day. This is the dynamics of the virus,” OK, you can go. No further mitigation needs to be taken. ” Hmm. “The director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases told CNN on Wednesday.

Fauci said it would be time to stop wearing masks.

“But I don’t think I’m ready right now, especially when I’m in an indoor environment,” Fauci said.


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