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The introduction of new treatments has significantly improved the survival rate of breast cancer patients.
Experts have shown that the Covid-19 pandemic followed by frequent blockades adversely affected the diagnosis, treatment, and management of breast cancer.
“Even after some advances in cancer research, prevention and treatment, the world is still fighting the burden of cancer. Today, the world is experiencing a cancer epidemic, one in ten Indians. Is predicted to develop cancer in their lifetime. The situation is evolving and will require practical action to address the challenge of treating patients while ensuring their safety and well-being. Experts suggest.
While talking about this scenario, Dr. Atrubatra, an associate professor of AIIMS School of Oncology in Delhi, said: In fact, breast cancer is expected to become the most common cancer site by 2025. Cancer treatment options have expanded. The use of trastuzumab (which benefits about 3000 patients) and ad-trastuzumab emtansine (which benefits more than 1700 patients) in India has been shown to benefit treatment outcomes. This innovative drug is backed by years of clinical data. “
During Covid-19, women living with breast cancer continued to pay for the effects of the pandemic. Therefore, early treatment of symptomatic patients needs to be a priority expert, adding that in severe cases, delayed diagnosis can have fatal consequences.
Dr. Sainath Bhethanabhotla, Senior Consultant at Care Hospital in Hyderabad, said: Treatment is a combination of radiation therapy, surgery, or both. Chemotherapy is often used as additional adjunctive therapy and new adjunctive therapy. “
Covid-19 has changed breast cancer treatments around the world. It also delayed many aspects of breast cancer treatment, including regular clinical visits, surveillance images, regular mammograms, reconstruction, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, mastectomy, and chemotherapy. The fear of being infected with Covid-19 caused stress and anxiety in the patient without a direct visit to the oncologist. This could disrupt existing treatment plans and increase the severity of the disease.
Cancer patients are at a much higher risk of becoming infected with Covid-19 because their immune system can be compromised. Therefore, various medical facilities of all types and sizes are taking new steps to prevent patients and staff from being infected with Covid-19.
Some breast cancer treatments can weaken the immune system, making patients more immunocompromised and can cause lung problems. People with weakened immunity or lung problems are at a much higher risk of experiencing serious complications if infected. Delayed treatment or diagnosis can lead to further metastases (metastasis) to different parts of the body.
Dr (Prof.) Meenu Walia, Senior Director of the Max Institute of Cancer Care East Zone (Max Patparganj, Vaishali, Noida, Greater Noida), said: 25% from various centers in India. Although the new coronavirus has caused a lot of turmoil lately, breast cancer remains the main illness and continues to affect the lives of many. Understanding the risk factors and treatment options, as well as the importance of early detection of breast cancer, is important to prevent the cancer cells from spreading further to other parts of the body. “
In 2020, women’s breast cancer now surpasses lung cancer and is a major cause of cancer incidence worldwide. Covid-19 has affected breast cancer patients by not only increasing the likelihood of infection, but also creating gaps in treatment procedures. Therefore, delayed initiation of treatment and breast cancer treatment can lead to further stages of the cancer, which can lead to metastatic stages. Metastatic cancer is stage 4 advanced breast cancer that spreads to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, brain, and bones, and to the lymph nodes.
The introduction of new treatments has significantly improved the survival rate of breast cancer patients. However, for that purpose, early detection and timely treatment are the keys to treatment. Therefore, breast self-examination and early referral to a clinician are extremely important.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, 2.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer and 685,000 died. In India, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every four minutes and one dies every eight minutes. breast cancer. In addition, the effects of delayed treatment due to pandemic conditions are seen in breast cancer patients.
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