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Read this before determining unvaccinated patients


“We … keep out unvaccinated people to protect ourselves and protect everyone else.”

These were the words of Premier Victoria’s Dan Andrews. He recently announced Good news about Melbourne’s liberation after a 262 day strict stay-at-home order.

Although Premier has published various roadmaps from the blockade when 80% of the state’s population (16+) is fully vaccinated, many of our patients are expected to be “unvaccinated.” The COVID-19 pandemic of inoculation remains a potential victim.

Despite continued treatment of his cancer throughout 2021, my GP husband and I were forced to return to general practice to vaccinate an isolated rural area in central Victoria. felt. Long shortage of medical staff.. It’s time for healthcare professionals like us. Providing more than 19 million vaccinations Share some observations about why Australians are not vaccinated and share effective ways to actually respond to them at small Medicare-funded primary care clinics across the country.

Access to vaccines is restricted in some areas

Despite best efforts to cooperate, local state hospitals are unable to cooperate with common practices in our area and when surge vaccination clinics overlap and supply shortages on the same weekend Wasted valuable resources and vaccines.

The government website provided only booking information about distant vaccine clinics without mentioning local health care providers in common clinics and pharmacies.

Vaccine supply and eligibility was opened only in rural areas like us in September 2021. Still, it was not an online booking system, so it was not easy for many people, especially people with disabilities and people with limited English skills, to book a vaccine. Poor internet and telephone features of local medical services were often blocked due to high demand.

Vaccine hesitation requires empathy

We underestimated the number of patients who dislike having needles. Needle phobia is exacerbated by frequent media images of “Jabbarbas” where people are roaming as “jabbed”. At our clinic, it was not uncommon for a grown-up man to be rejuvenated with tears as he talked about the memories he had been waiting for in the vaccination line as a child.

There was a high level of distrust, as the frequently changing “best medical advice” supported by politicians often varies from state to state. Much effort was needed to counter the misinformation pile of strange vaccines that spread through social media, including politicians. Many of our patients were concerned about the lack of research on the long-term side effects of vaccines. A 14-year-old patient rebelliously said that the vaccine would make future babies “deer heads,” but was happy to return to the second vaccine after careful explanation of the facts.

Under the high levels of patient anger and featureless anger in our offices and waiting rooms, there was a deep fear that the possibility of blockades and forced vaccinations was an attack on their human rights. ..

However, they often easily accepted vaccination if they adopted a simple, minimalist approach rather than an authoritarian position. In addition, the following statement helped to remain transparent to patients who had a feeling of opposition to vaccination for all the strengths and weaknesses of vaccination.

“Your choice. I’m not forcing you to vaccinate. But while you’re here, do I want you to tell me some facts?

“Vaccines are currently being delivered to billions of people around the world and are safe and effective. We know what the side effects are. Also, post-AstraZeneca thrombosis and Pfizer or Moda. We also know how to treat very rare side effects, such as myocarditis after Nina vaccination. All of these side effects are much greater when infected with the virus than after vaccination. “

And for patients who continue to refuse the vaccine:

“If you choose not to vaccinate, it’s important to know what to do when you get the virus. It’s true that many people have only mild symptoms. Before presenting. Call the inspection clinic. Otherwise, stay away from your family and community and stay at home in isolation. If you feel unwell, have your family, relatives, friends, etc. take care of your child as soon as possible. Please arrange for.

“Do not access medical services unless you call first. Your GP may only be able to help you through telemedicine counseling. Home-visit nursing to help you if you get sick at home There are few doctors. If symptoms such as shortness of breath worsen, the number of ambulances is limited, so please call 000 as soon as possible. Long waits may occur. Special including ventilation system Please inform the ambulance who has COVID 19 as special arrangements will be made to transfer you to a major hospital with COVID-19 facilities.

“Talk to your relatives, friends or neighbors now about arrangements to help your family before this happens.”

We attribute the 95% initial inoculation rate for local zip codes to this compassionate, unjudgmental approach. After fully informing patients who were hesitant about the vaccine about how to control COVID-19 infection, most responded, “Please give me the vaccine.”

There’s much more we can do to protect the community

Since COVID-19 cases have never occurred in many parts of Australia, most people have personally faced the risk of acute distress, long-term symptoms, or lonely death associated with COVID-19. No, but it can happen soon.

As metropolitan areas are deregulated, populations grow, and delta variants spread to beautiful areas, locals receive three emergency treatments at local hospitals, both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19. Compete with tourists for a room. They will also face the harsh reality of having one person, including a sick child, who needs to be transferred from our isolated area to a major hospital via an ambulance.

Now that our community (16+) has been double vaccinated with over 80%, my husband and I, as well as many healthcare professionals at their own health risk, are individual It is torn about leaving because of safety concerns.In doing so, and with deep admiration and respect, we are keenly aware that our frontline colleagues will continue to treat with courage in the coming months. Expected surge COVID-19 infection in an already endangered public hospital system. NS The ongoing uncertainty surrounding healthcare workers’ access to booster vaccination is another major concern...

In this perfect storm, it is difficult to continue to sympathize with unvaccinated patients. But if you don’t, you run the risk of inadvertently embarrassing yourself. More preventable patient deaths at home Due to attitude barriers that impede access to health care.

More research is needed on why people remain reluctant or uncertain about the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia ()here, here, here, here When here). In our clinical experience, we talked to many patients in one small rural GP clinic, but the most effective way to further increase vaccination rates is to understand and be considerate of everyone, including patients and colleagues. Is to treat with. What is your experience?

Leanne Rowe AM Clinical Professor has been a local general practitioner for over 25 years and is the author of the book. All Doctors: Healthier Doctors = Healthier Patients And medical writing website

The statements or opinions expressed in this article reflect the views of the author and do not represent AMA’s official policy. My A Also InSight + Unless otherwise stated.




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