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Mayor gets vaccinated (influenza)

Mayor gets vaccinated (influenza)


Photo of Thomas BreenMayor Justin Elicker has rolled up his sleeves and vaccinated against the flu as part of a city-wide effort to shoot through his arms to protect the New Havers from more than just Covid.

Ericker was shot at the Health Department’s clinic on the 4th floor of the City Hall at 200 Orange Street at noon on Monday.

“Influenza vaccination dramatically reduces the chances of flu and illness,” he said at a pre-shot press conference on the ground floor of the city hall. “It’s very important to get it. It’s harmless except for quick shots.”

Ericker stands side by side with Maritza Bond, the city’s director of health, Kelsey Steele, pastor of the Valic Memorial AME Zion Church, and Roger Wilkins, president of the Greater New Haven Clergy Association. A public health plus for getting a flu shot during an ongoing covid pandemic.

“If we ensure that many people in the city are vaccinated against the flu, the burden on hospitals will be reduced,” he said. “It reduces people’s chances of getting sick, and it can confuse schools and interrupt work because people may not know they are infected with the flu or Covid. It will be lower. “

Bond said the local health department is closely monitoring influenza cases throughout the state. So far, she said, the state has seen one flu-related death this year. Unlike New Haven, many Connecticut communities are no longer obliged to mask, so the number could increase. Therefore, the importance of getting a flu shot.

The city encourages people over the age of 6 months to be vaccinated against the flu. People are doctors, pharmacies, or 200 Orange St. Or 54 Meadow St. You can do so by going to the City Health Department.

Steele said his Dixwell Avenue Church will also be a flu vaccination site for this flu season. “By the necessary means, we encourage everyone to get the flu vaccine,” he said. “God wants us to control both the mind, body and spirit. We must stand at the crossroads of spirituality and science.”

Contributor: Heather C. November 1, 2021 10:31 pm

Not many people were exposed to the flu last year and a half because we all wore masks at a social distance. Therefore, the immunity against influenza is lower than before. Below is a link to the cdc website for all the questions about influenza, influenza vaccines, and influenza in the era of covid.
Influenza vaccination can protect you from serious illness and hospitalization for the flu. Influenza weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to other illnesses, including covid. You don’t want to fight two respiratory illnesses that can kill you at the same time. So it’s a good idea to get the flu vaccine and give yourself a chance to fight in case you get it or become covid.





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