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Despite soaring infection rates and hospitalizations, Covid PCR testing center time has been reduced


Despite the surge in infection rates, the Covid test site has been shortened and staff protests have increased.

It is worried that the money-saving move to close the center two hours earlier each day may mean that some people refrain from taking the test.

Walk-in Covid Test Center on Canterbury Campus, University of Kent
Walk-in Covid Test Center on Canterbury Campus, University of Kent

One employee of the PCR test center in Canterbury Branded this decision as “short-sighted,” adding that it would not only reduce test slots, but also worsen him and other staff by hundreds of pounds each month.

This move comes as a number of Covid people in Kent’s hospital High price for the first time in 7 months..

Meanwhile, county infection rates reached their highest levels in nine months, with cases consistent with those last seen in January, when the UK entered its third national blockade.

Until this week, local and regional PCR test sites were open from 8 am to 8 pm.

But as of yesterday, the NHS decided to close them daily at 6 pm.

“Lost that money every month will make a deep hole …”

One employee of the walk-in test site at the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus named it “economic decisions purely from economic considerations.”

A man who wants to remain anonymous said: “The number of tests and new infection rates are still increasing, and Covid is still here.

“This decision cannot be based on public welfare or science,” he said.

“My concern is that when given an excuse, many people leave, blame the system, and go home untested.

“I’ve heard this story several times and I know it’s happening on a regular basis.”

The man says he and other colleagues (paid on an hourly basis) will lose a significant amount of income to save time.

He’s about £ 340 less this month and needs to look for a new job.

New Walkthrough Covid Test Center on Canterbury Campus, University of Kent
New Walkthrough Covid Test Center on Canterbury Campus, University of Kent

He also expressed concern about the support of colleagues with young families.

“I used to be able to afford it, but losing that money every month would make a deep hole,” he said. “And it came just before Christmas.

“I have two hours in the evening, but it’s unrealistic to expect to make money in two hours after work. I feel that the two-hour reduction is both short-sighted and unfair.”

A spokesman for the British Department of Health and Security defended the change in time.

They say: We constantly review our test demand forecasts to ensure that we are well prepared to provide the right level of testing to the public.

“Recent analysis shows that the demand for PCR tests from 6 pm to 8 pm on regional and local test sites is limited. To provide the highest possible value for taxpayer money. , We are reducing the business hours of these sites. “

However, test center employees say they provided an important opportunity for ordinary workers to take the test, although it may be quiet from 6 pm to 8 pm.

“Last year, as we approached Christmas, we started to get busy during that time,” he said.

“The last four days I attended were the busiest time I’ve ever been, from 7pm to 8pm.

“The number of cases is increasing. People have a cold and need to make sure they don’t have Covid.”

Read more: All the latest news from Canterbury





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