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Australian branches may look very different in the future


As the number of coronavirus cases in Australia declines, blockade measures are gradually lifted, and life seems to be slowly returning to normal.

However, it seems that new exercises have to become a new common sense when exercising, and when a certain country reopened the gym, it introduced drastic social measures.

Based on a step-by-step plan to relax Scott Morrison’s restrictions, the gym and indoor fitness center will be available for up to 20 people at once as part of Step 2.

Health professional Previous warning that Jim could be one of the last companies to resume A sweaty environment can be a breeding ground for coronavirus outbreaks in a potentially closed environment.

In Hong Kong, Jim has begun to reopen, but it looks very different from the pre-coronavirus era. Does this raise the question of what our gym will look like?

Relation: Follow the latest coronavirus updates

Photos shared by Bloomberg journalist Virginia Rau She has documented how Jim introduced a glass partition between the treadmill and the oval machine.

Disinfectant and towels were scattered throughout the gym, bubblers were sealed, hand sanitizers were available, and the second seat was marked as “don’t sit.”

People going to the gym had to sign a “Health Declaration” and have their body temperature checked before exercising.

There was also a blue light machine and alcohol wipes that could be used to disinfect mobile phones.

Reactions to the new gym measures were mixed, one calling the precautionary measures “ridiculous” and the other said he had no plans to return to the gym immediately.

“I’m considering canceling my membership two months after I’ve worked at home,” one person wrote.

“It’s too early to do all this,” another wrote.

“No effect!” Whispered one while another added: “This is stupid …

Relation: Gym owner’s big mistake

Classes required for COVID-19 Spread

As Jim prepares to reopen in Australia Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The (CDC) warns that group fitness classes can be a breeding ground for coronaviruses.

The outbreak of coronavirus in South Korea in February proved how highly contagious the collective exercise environment was.

A single workshop for 27 dance fitness instructors generated over 100 coronavirus cases spread across 12 gyms in Cheonan.

Eight of the 27 people who attended the February 15 workshop were infected with coronavirus, but had no symptoms and had a super spreader event.

The CDC noted an outbreak in South Korea, stating that vigorous exercise in a small room is the optimal condition for the spread of coronaviruses.

“Features that may have led to infections from Cheonan instructors include large class size, small space, and training intensity,” the study said.

“The moist and warm atmosphere of sports facilities, coupled with the turbulence created by vigorous motion, can cause isolated droplets to penetrate more tightly.”

However, the study found that low-intensity classes such as yoga and Pilates were less dangerous for the spread of coronaviruses.

One of the Korean instructors who attended the dance workshop also taught yoga and Pilates in a small group of 7-8 people, but no student took COVID-19.

“We hypothesize that less intense Pilates and yoga did not cause the same transmission effects as a more intense fitness dance class,” the researchers write.


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