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First infant in Cincinnati vaccinated with COVID-19

First infant in Cincinnati vaccinated with COVID-19


Cincinnati — The Cincinnati medical team began receiving the COVID-19 vaccine on Wednesday for children aged 5-11 years. By the end of the day, the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital had inoculated more than 400 children.

On Wednesday, Children’s accepted so many parents seeking vaccinations for their children that they stopped accepting them for the time being.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved an emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday night. The first day of eligibility for this age group brought the patient’s first rush to the pediatrician’s office in the city.

“This is a big deal,” said one mother, Joanna Contrno. “(My daughter) is very excited to be able to do gymnastics and indoor sports in the winter.”

Her child was one of the first groups to be vaccinated through the clinic in Cincinnati.

Larry Corbus vaccinated with his two grandchildren.

“They are also very excited to go to the in-store restaurant,” Corbus said. “They aren’t inside at all, and they’ll be able to do that, and they’re also planning a family trip that we couldn’t take.”

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and UC Health have begun accepting patients by appointment.

“Children tolerated this vaccine very well,” said Dr. Patty Manning Courtney.

She is the Chief of Staff of Cincinnati Children’s. She said side effects after vaccination are usually milder in children than in adults. She addressed some false information that was widespread about childbirth and myocarditis.

“These vaccines have no effect on childbirth,” says Manning-Courtney. “”[Myocarditis] It was not found in the cohort of vaccine study participants. It is amazing. It is very mild to be seen and is 6 to 7 times more common when infected with COVID. “

Still, some parents ask why they vaccinate their children when the virus is not fatal to this age group.

“At Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, who are hospitalized with moderate to severe COVID, when you repeatedly say that you meet your children every day, including today, you think it’s calm,” Manning Courtney said. Said.

In addition, she said, it slows the spread of the virus to people who are more vulnerable to COVID.

Pediatricians at Mount Carmel received 300 COVID-19 vaccines and began vaccination of children on Wednesday.

Dr. Chris Peltier, a pediatrician at the clinic, said he was hearing overwhelming relief from his parents who could eventually vaccinate their children. For parents, that means they don’t have to risk going out into the crowd or missing school.

For parents who have doubts about vaccination of their children, Dr. Peltier shared the conversation he had.

“I’m always asked, well kids don’t get so sick, so why should my kids get it?” Peltier said. “And I always say you’re right, and that’s good. So the majority of children who get COVID-19 don’t get to the hospital. 25 percent of all COVID-19 infections in the last few weeks are children Because it was there, it is occurring in large numbers. “

Dr. Peltier also said his parents were worried about the risks and side effects.

“Really they are pretty minimal,” he said. “I have redness and pain at the injection site. I may have a low-grade fever, especially after the second dose, fatigue, and body aches.”

Those who have been vaccinated on Wednesday must be fully vaccinated by Christmas.

“Last year, before the vaccination, we came to see them and stayed out all the time, even at Christmas time,” Corbus said. “So this means so many things.”

CVS When Walgreens We are starting vaccinations for this age group this weekend.

Kroger says he is ready to administer a pediatric dose of the Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccine prescribed for use in people aged 5 to 11 years.The online scheduling tool will be updated shortly to reflect this change and patients may visit [] Schedule an appointment.

You can make an appointment with Cincinnati Children Please click here.

To book through UC Health, call 513-584-DOSE (3673) or visit the following website from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays.

The NKY Health Department plans to begin vaccination of this age group at health centers in four counties, Campbell, Grant, Boon and Kenton, on Monday.

Hamilton County Public Health can start as early as Thursday.

Clermont County Public Health Armorvax website..





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