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Queen’s University receives huge grants to boost prostate cancer research

Queen’s University receives huge grants to boost prostate cancer research


Two research teams at Queen’s University have received huge grants to boost their prostate cancer research.

Prostate Cancer UK has awarded the team a total of £ 750,000 as part of the Research Innovation Awards scheme, which has awarded £ 2 million to six exceptional projects across the UK.

Radiation therapy is a very effective treatment for men with early-stage prostate cancer, but unfortunately, one in four men with progressive disease confirms a recurrence of the cancer.

To fight this Dr. Jonathan Coulter We plan to use small gold particles, called nanoparticles, to develop new treatments that amplify the effects of radiation therapy and prevent the recurrence of prostate cancer.

Thanks to a previous study funded by Prostate Cancer UK, Dr Coulter and his team have developed several types of gold nanoparticles that can target prostate cancer cells. They plan to load these nanoparticles into a prototype biodegradable implant that can be released into the prostate.

With a £ 376,000 prize, the team can test and improve implants and evaluate how effective they are in increasing the susceptibility of prostate cancer to radiation therapy.

Dr. Coulter said: “We know that gold nanoparticles can make prostate cancer cells more sensitive to the effects of radiation therapy and thus more likely to be destroyed. This project uses state-of-the-art technology for patients. By creating a friendly implantable delivery device and increasing the treatability of current radiation therapy plans, it helps to understand how to take advantage of the great potential of these nanoparticles.

“We want to build a case to start testing these gold nanoparticles-loaded implants in men undergoing radiation therapy. Ultimately, our new treatment is I am confident that it will help men with localized high-risk prostate cancer to lead longer and better lives. “

Second study led Dr. Simon McDade and Dr. Melissa Labonte WilsonIs also looking for new ways to improve the treatment of men with early-stage prostate cancer.

The duo was awarded £ 374,000 to investigate a drug that blocks the activity of a protein family called HDAC. They want to see if this can improve the effectiveness of existing treatments and trigger the immune system to kill prostate cancer cells.

Dr. McDade said: “Most men respond well to a combination of radiation and hormone therapy, but some men may have cancer that recurs.

“In colorectal cancer, blocking the action of certain HDAC proteins not only improves the cancer-killing effect of standard treatments, but may also improve the immune system in the detection and attack of cancer cells. Now I would like to find out if this type of drug can trigger immune cells to fight colon cancer.

“In the future, we hope to combine this drug with standard treatments to produce longer-lasting effects that prevent the recurrence of prostate cancer and improve the quality of life for men.”

One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. In Northern Ireland, more than 9,000 men live with and after the disease.

Dr Matthew Hobbs, Principal Investigator at Prostate Cancer UK, said:

“We are proud to continue this legacy by funding these two ambitious projects. These projects tackle the disease from a whole new angle and people with prostate cancer. We are one step closer to a future where our lives are not limited. “

For more information on research funded by Prostate Cancer UK, please see:

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