Detroit authorities outline plans to provide children with COVID-19 vaccine
Detroit — Mayor Mike Duggan will be with city and school officials to outline Detroit’s plans to provide children with the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday.
At 10 am, Duggan, attended by Dr. Nikolai Vitti, Detroit Public School Director, and Denise Fair, Chief Public Health Officer, outlined measures to provide child-sized doses recently approved by federal agencies. To do. FOX 2 will livestream the press conference on and YouTube.
Until recently, children aged 5 to 11 were one of the last groups in the United States to yet have options for protection from viruses that do not include preventative measures such as masks and social distance.
That changed this week when the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention panel gave clear approval for the vaccine.
Child shots are about one-third the dose of an adult vaccine because children do not need shots of the same intensity to receive the same type of protection. It also reduces the severity of side effects typical of vaccination.
Michigan has 825,000 children and is currently eligible to receive shots. By further inoculating this group, school and day care will be safer from infection for both children and staff.
Meijer also accepts reservations to manage shots. Walgreens will start managing them on Saturday and CVS on Sunday. Michigan medicine will begin on Monday and Beaumont will begin offering shots sometime next week.
Those who are already vaccinated with COVID-19 will probably be familiar with the side effects that follow the first and second injections.
The injected arm may hurt, causing swelling and redness at the injection site. The rest of the body can experience fatigue, malaise, headaches, muscle aches, chills, and fever. These are normal. Side effects are very rarely more serious.
Related: What is the difference between adult and child coronavirus vaccines?
But is it the same for children? Children aged 5 to 11 can now get their COVID-19 vaccine, what can we expect after receiving the injection?
Simply put, it’s almost like someone else is shot.
Even at low doses The side effects are about the same: Arm pain, headache, muscle aches, fever, chills, rest of the body shot by the child. These are normal and are signs that the body is responding to the vaccine by building immunity to COVID-19.
Some children have no side effects.
Related: What side effects does a child experience after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?
There are some important differences between the version currently offered to children and the version given to teens and adults. Most notable is the dose, which is one-third the intensity of the adult version. It aims to be a two-shot regiment that takes place every three weeks.
Adults receive 30 micrograms of RNA, but children’s shots only 10 micrograms. Even younger children may one day receive the same vaccine at lower doses.
According to Pfizer, lower doses were chosen to provide strong immunity while minimizing the side effects exhibited by the shots.
“If you are using antibiotics or other chemotherapy, their dose depends on your weight factor,” said Dr. Vishara Freiji, Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Beaumont. “The vaccine response is due to the immune system that identifies what was injected. It processes the product and initiates the formation of antibodies independent of the shot.”
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