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Four hidden signs of dementia to watch out for your loved ones

Four hidden signs of dementia to watch out for your loved ones


Age-related changes can occur in all of us, but it’s important to know when these will be a little more serious.

Dementia affects an estimated 6.2 million Americans over the age of 65.

Memory loss and confusion are important signs of dementia, but they can also be confused with common aging.

There are different types of dementia and you Can prevent the most common types,Alzheimer’s disease.

But a healthy lifestyle can help, says the NHS.

Experts say there are more subtle signs that need to be addressed when it comes to dementia.

Here are four less common signs that you should be aware of.

1. Eye condition and deafness

A study conducted this year found that people suffering from certain eye conditions are at increased risk of dementia.

Experts conducting a UK Biobank study say that people with age-related macular degeneration are 25% more likely to suffer from dementia.

According to a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry in 2017, people with early-onset dementia don't find other people's jokes interesting.
According to a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry in 2017, people with early-onset dementia don’t find other people’s jokes interesting.

We also found that people with cataracts had an 11% higher risk of dementia and people with diabetes-related eye diseases had a 61% higher risk of illness.

Another study by Oxford University experts found that people who struggle to go to noisy restaurants and listen to their friends are also at increased risk of dementia.

Katie Puckering, Information Services Manager Alzheimer’s Disease Research UK He said there are two reasons for the link.

“First, deafness may be associated with cellular changes in the brain, but second, social isolation has long been known as a risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. That’s what she said. Telegraph..

Regular dental examinations to keep your mouth and teeth healthy.
A 2019 study of the Journal of Periodontology showed that gingival disease is a risk of dementia.

2. Change in humor

The inability to understand hilarious jokes and changes in humor can be a sign of early warning of dementia.

According to a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry in 2017, people with early-onset dementia don’t find other people’s jokes interesting.

A 2009 report based on MRI scans found that people with dementia had a hard time understanding the irony.

3. Periodontal disease

A 2019 study of the Journal of Periodontology showed that gingival disease is a risk of dementia.

Studies over and over again show that people who choose a healthy life are less likely to get sick, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t diagnosed.

The association with periodontal disease is generally associated with poor health, and several conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and alcoholism are all common in people with dementia. ..

4. Withdrawal from family and friends

From time to time, friends and family may find that you are pulling away from them before you do so.

Packering said it was common to feel isolated in middle age.

If she finds that you are always more confrontational than usual, or that you regularly snap to your family, menopause, mood disorders such as depression, thyroid conditions, and even vitamins It is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out other conditions, including deficiency.

Other signs to watch out for include people who are depressed, frustrated, withdrawn, or indifferent to previously enjoyed activities.
Other signs to watch out for include people who are depressed, frustrated, withdrawn, or indifferent to previously enjoyed activities.

Currently there is no cure for this disease, Some treatments help boost these chemical messages, And a ward with some symptoms.

However, it is ultimately a progressive disease, meaning that more symptoms appear and worsen over time.

Early signs of illness may be subtle, but there are other important signs to watch out for.

As the disease progresses, a person becomes:

  • Lose common items such as keys and glasses around the house
  • They are having a hard time finding the word they are looking for in a conversation
  • Forget about recent conversations and events
  • Get lost in a familiar place or during a familiar journey
  • Forget important anniversaries, birthdays, appointments

Memory problems are the most common, but there are other signs that you may be suffering from dementia.

They include:

  • Speech Issues – You may find it difficult or frequent to follow a conversation
  • Problems with distance determination, stair navigation, and car parking
  • Difficulty in decision making and problem solving
  • Lose date or date

Other signs to watch out for include people who are depressed, frustrated, withdrawn, or indifferent to previously enjoyed activities.

This story was originally Appeared in the sun I duplicated it here with permission.





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