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Diabetes Awareness: Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?it’s complicated


Although November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, which usually focuses on the prevention of diabetes and pre-diabetes, many people still face the burden of diagnosing diabetes. (Montri Thipsorn, Shutterstock)

Estimated read time: 4-5 minutes

Salt Lake City — Did you know that 10.5% of the US population has diabetes?that is According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, And that number is increasing every year.

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month Although the focus is usually on prevention of diabetes and prediabetes, many people still face the burden of diagnosing diabetes.

After being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, some may ask the question, “How can I get rid of diabetes?” The answer is not so clear.

Can I get rid of type 2 diabetes?

Can people with type 2 diabetes get rid of or get rid of the disease? In short, it’s not accurate.

However, a small proportion of people with type 2 diabetes can reach normal blood sugar (sugar) or blood sugar levels, especially if they have undergone obesity or metabolic surgery, or if they lose significant weight. .. According to a 2019 survey..

In type 2 diabetes, insulin-producing cells, called beta cells, fail to function properly. It is usually insulin resistant. That is, the cells in the body do not respond well to insulin and cannot use glucose from the blood as energy.

enter Diabetes remission It may help beta cells start working again and increase insulin sensitivity. In the early stages after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, it is most likely to help beta cells regain normal function.

Nevertheless, blood sugar levels can rise again over time, especially if a poor lifestyle returns and weight is restored. This is why diabetes is not considered to be “cured” or recovered.

What is the correct term for people with type 2 diabetes to use when they reach normal blood sugar levels?

August 2021 Joint consensus statement Published by the American Diabetes Association, the Endocrine Society, the European Diabetes Association, and the British Diabetes Association.

This consensus statement acknowledged that there was no standardized term or definition to explain the rare occurrence of diastolic euglycemia in people previously diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who did not use hypoglycemic agents.

Terms such as “reversal” and “healing” are often used in these situations, but can also be associated with controversial claims. The new standardized term is “relief”.

How is diabetic remission defined?

Hemoglobin A1C is a blood test used to measure average blood glucose levels over the last three months. Doctors often use A1C to diagnose diabetes and see how well someone manages it.

The joint consensus statement defined diabetic remission as A1C levels of less than 6.5% for at least 3 months without the use of hypoglycemic agents. This applies regardless of whether it is achieved by lifestyle changes, metabolic surgery, or other means.

If A1C is not a reliable marker of glycemic control for a particular health condition, you can use an estimated A1C value of less than 6.5% calculated from fasting glycemic levels <126 mg / dL or continuous glycemic monitor values. ..

Importance of regular health checkups

Even if someone is considered to be in remission, high blood sugar levels can recur, so it is important to have regular glucose tests.

Risk factors that increase this likelihood include poor diet, physical inactivity, weight gain, taking certain medications that may raise blood sugar levels, or high levels of stress from another illness. It will be.

Even after remission, the classic Diabetic complications It can be caused by what is called metabolic memory, which includes the risk of retinopathy (retinal disease), nephropathy (kidney disease), neuropathy (nerve damage), and cardiovascular disease.

It is important to have regular (at least annual) physical examinations, including eye tests, kidney function tests, foot tests, blood pressure measurements, etc., as you may not notice the symptoms of elevated blood sugar at first. is. HbA1c test.

Stay in remission

Maintaining type 2 diabetes remission is not a one-time goal you achieve. It’s a lifelong journey. Whatever the meaning used to achieve remission, you must maintain and continue. Otherwise, the inflammation and insulin resistance that caused type 2 diabetes in the first place can easily recur.

Here are some ways to help someone maintain remission while providing many other health benefits:

  • Healthy food choice
  • Keep your body active
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Self-care practice

Brittany Poolson

About the author: Brittany Poolson

Brittany Poolson is a registered dietitian and diabetes educator in Utah. She shares her passion for health, food and nutrition on her blog., She encourages you to lead a healthy life in your unique way. To contact Brittany or read more about her article, please visit: Her author page..

Editor’s Note: All content in this article is for informational purposes only. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be construed. If you have any questions about your medical condition, always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider.Any opinions, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available belong to their respective creators or distributors, not KSL. KSL does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the opinions, information or statements contained in this article and is not responsible for it. KSL expressly disclaims all liability for actions taken or not taken based on the content of this article.

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